Bitcoin mining imac 27 inch
And then try to get ethminer running. I'm sure somehow we could hash at half the power to save the life of the graphics card and keep things at a reasonable temperature. September edited September Like the original post, I have an iMac mostly sitting idle. I got bored with that after a few months. So, that being said and knowing I probably won't even recoup my electricity cost, what Mac OS X compatible software would you recommend? Post edited by wkrasl on September Parity and Minergate are two user friendly mining solutions for OS X.
I have to say I disagree with almost every post so far. And a solution should never ever be "just install Windows 7 on it" when the OP probably bought the iMac for a reason As for the iMac overheating, you may have to look at using another program to throttle your GPU and fans until you are happy with your system temperatures. The iMac will not "melt" If you want to mine that bad then just install Windows 7. If so, there's no way to use it with the iMac, at least not that I know of.
As far as mining with the iMac GPU - forget it. You'll just toast the iMac eventually. Wouldn't dare mining on it because I already constantly hear: I have a 3yr warranty so I really don't care if something melts down. And then try to get ethminer running. I'm sure somehow we could hash at half the power to save the life of the graphics card and keep things at a reasonable temperature.
September edited September Like the original post, I have an iMac mostly sitting idle. I got bored with that after a few months. So, that being said and knowing I probably won't even recoup my electricity cost, what Mac OS X compatible software would you recommend?