Bitcoin scaling is the b gold fork relevant

Since its inception, Bitcoin has had quite a few forks with one of its latest, Bitcoin Cash, having gained traction in the last month. Simply put, forks usually occur when trying to address and resolve an issue in a given cryptocurrency with the hopes of making it better. Bitcoin Gold BTGbitcoin scaling is the b gold fork relevant latest instalment in the Bitcoin fork line, went live on November 12 after being victim of a distributed denial of service cyber attack on their website.

To see how this new coin will compete, we must first find out the underlying details behind its technology, its founders, and its premise. In this article we will also discuss why the potential of success for BTG should not be underestimated.

Bitcoin Gold is one bitcoin scaling is the b gold fork relevant the latest Bitcoin forks founded by Jack Liao. A concept that contradicts Satoshi Nakamoto's initial idea of a decentralized peer-to-peer cash system. If he is right, this is in fact a big issue that needs to be resolved as the core value of the cryptocurrency market is the notion of decentralization.

It is important to understand that mining gradually becomes more centralized as it requires faster machines and bigger investments, often not affordable by everyone. According to Liao, the sole idea of having bigger blocks is also not the best solution for bitcoin as it will eventually lead to centralization gigabyte blocks requiring substantial investments in machinery. So it seems as though the idea behind Bitcoin Gold is to fundamentally restart bitcoin from scratch with only a few minor tweaks.

It is also very difficult to find much information on the founder Jack Liao himself, other than that he owns Lightningasic, a hardware e-tailer selling mining equipment and accessories. This could be considered a conflict of interest, as he is forcing any BTC miner who wishes to mine BTG to have to change equipment. The Bitcoin Gold team were also under scrutiny as they were caught having hidden fees implemented in the mining pool code.

They have since removed them. But considering that Satoshi himself wished to bitcoin scaling is the b gold fork relevant anonymous upon the creation of Bitcoin, will the anonymity of BTG developers be an issue?

This is a topic to think about. To conclude, Bitcoin Gold is an interesting solution to the scaling and centralization debate. For now, nobody knows how it will play out exactly.

However, at some point, it might become profitable for GPU miners to mine the BTG chain, thus making it more secure and attracting popular attention to it. But for now, the future holds its deepest secrets for the industry, and all we can do is guess the outcomes or define them by using past history reports. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter. What is Bitcoin Gold? What About the Team? Bitcoin scaling is the b gold fork relevant To conclude, Bitcoin Gold is an interesting solution to the scaling and centralization debate.

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As if the cryptocurrency markets couldnt get any crazier, here comes Bitcoin Gold, the fork that forked and people forgot about getting ready for its officil release Nov.

This new version of BTC, entitled Bitcoin Gold is the second project to fork away from the Bitcoin blockchain and become a new coin this year. This followed Bitcoin Cash. The most important difference between Bitcoin and Bitcoin Gold is a new proof-of-work mining algorithm. Now this presents an interesting opportunity in my opinion! Bitcoin Gold may become the western banker's choice because it won't be easily controllable and therefore supporting it to get people to move away from Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash could become a real priority.

Anyone who held bitcoin scaling is the b gold fork relevant BTC on that day specifically, when Bitcoin block was mined will have an equivalent amount of BTG attributed to their private keys.

These bitcoin scaling is the b gold fork relevant keys can be imported into a dedicated Bgold wallet, which, starting tomorrow, will allow users to spend the coins. But note that this does not come without risks and tradeoffs: For more information als see this article.

Well, I know people that will be happy to hear this news! They've been waiting for their digital gold for weeks now. What do you think will happen with these three bitcoins? The more forks the better for the biggest chain. But these features do put pressure on btc to not just ignore user demands since they do not hold a monopoly anymore and the network effect can be overcomed if utility is destroyed. What little I know, is that I don't know enough about cryptocurrency.

But since finding out about Steem a month or so ago, I have been on a fast learning track. Btc bcc btg bch all works well but the most popular is btc bch has only risen as an option to btc due to the fall of btc this week as the launch of segwit 2x fork was cancelled. If measures are put in place to support btc it will rise again therefore it's not quite clear whether btg or bch can overtake btc now. Minnowbooster's got your back! The OriginalWorks bot has determined this post by techblogger to be original material and upvoted 1.

To call OriginalWorkssimply reply to any post with originalworks or! First off, Gold Bitcoin is a business that is aggressively using Google ads to reach out to a wide audience base.

You can imagine the number of people who see their ads and potentially fall victim each day. I bought Bitcoin Cash on Friday, such a good investment. I'm still holding on. I actually sold the BCH at 0. I think I'm going to put everything into Bitcoin Gold once it comes out.

I just play it safe. And since, after the fork, I'll get the same number of Bitcoin gold as BCT, I would have the same amount of all of these. Kind of hedging, you know. How did your transaction get bitcoin scaling is the b gold fork relevant All these different Bitcoins makes people confused.

Now they think Bcash is the real bitcoin until that one forks and they will say no this is the real bitcoin. Same thing starts over. I believe the real bitcoin it BTC the first one that we all know. Its price will rise back again.

It also changes the algorithm of Bitcoin, with equihash like Zcash, which mistakenly recreate Bitcoin. You are right, Bitcoin Gold will be something entirely different as far as I understand it.

The question seems to bitcoin scaling is the b gold fork relevant does having Bitcoin in your name determine your fate? I thought Bitcoin Gold was pretty much a failed hard fork already. I haven't really heard a lot of news about it. Seems like Bitcoin Cash is becoming a major competitor to traditional Bitcoin.

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Your name will also appear here. Thanks for your help via Crypto Insanity - Bring on Bitcoin Gold! Please leave your thoughts and comments below! Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. The shot of the blockchain has already been taken so I think that would be unwise. Time to dump it bro, And you can buy more of it later on: I agree with this statement. Current price as at US. If you do not wish to receive these messages in future, bitcoin scaling is the b gold fork relevant reply stop to this comment.

How can I buy and sell Bitcoin Gold??

The user can copy the trade details and paste them into their MT4 platform. The total Bitcoins (the cost) will be calculated automatically. We're collecting your email to keep you updated with our latest news and Demo version updates. The topics in this section do not respect the rules of the forum.