Bitcoin value death spiral

I guess you don't know me. Isn't it the case that BCH can lose many times, but has to win only once for this to occur? There's only so much hash power that will be removed. Just providing some clarity in terms of bitcoin value death spiral actual situation.

What do you think about these hash power and price manipulations? I guess you don't know me. They will continue manipulating the EDA to ensure they receive a majority of the blocks.

This is, of course, a developing situation. Bitcoin value death spiral seems to validate the article referenced above, right? This is framed in the article as allowing a more responsive blockchain. There's only so much hash power that will be removed.

Isn't it the case that BCH can lose many times, but has to win only once for this to occur? A formula takes the last blocks and their timing and adjusts the difficulty for the following blocks to make block timing 1 block every 10 minutes, blocks per day, and blocks per 2 weeks. Note bitcoin value death spiral the difficulty wasn't significantly impacted by recent events.

BUT an alt coin that didn't even have interest, at least coins that ICO we know have interest based on their raise. I guess you don't know me. There's only so much manipulation that can be done since the difficulty adjustment is over such an extended period. Resteem and Upvote, and Follow me on Twitter! There is not a huge cost to more frequent difficulty adjustments, so why would Satoshi have coded them to be the way they are?

This one didn't even have that. Difficulty Adjustment BTC is designed with dynamic difficulty. Isn't it bitcoin value death spiral case that BCH can lose many times, but has to win only once for this to occur? You can check that with the wallet addresses. BCH is likely the largest pump and dump ever.

Thus it will always be a risk? Yes, a small amount of hash power has left. What do you think about these hash power and price manipulations?

BCH adjusts for lower difficulty due to exiting hash power, makes the following bitcoin value death spiral easier to mine and get the reward for even if the hashpower rejoins. Thus it will always be a risk? Downsides BTC can indeed lose hash power as miners leave, increasing block times, and it CAN be ongoing for a few weeks maybe even as long as weeks.

Thus it will always be a risk? People were excited because BCH used a chain fork instead of a code fork, resulting in the ability to spend their balance on both chains. Let me know below! Difficulty Adjustment BTC is bitcoin value death spiral with dynamic difficulty.