Bitcoin will hit 10000

As of now, there are at least cryptocurrencies that are being floated around and sold in MLM programs. Mind you, Bitcoin will hit 10000 mean parabolic on a logarithmic chart. It is fascinating how bitcoin has become a store of value instead of a currency. Investment bloggers and YouTubers who were afraid of the crypto market are now slowly easing up and trying to promote crypto as an alternative investment strategy. A lot of these people do not know what Bitcoin is.

Investment bloggers and YouTubers who bitcoin will hit 10000 afraid of the crypto market are now slowly easing up and trying to promote crypto as an alternative investment strategy. Not sure that would happen, but I am saving all my bitcoins for that day to come. What I believe is that the media is the biggest reason why Bitcoin is growing. It will hit 15, this year.

What I believe is that the bitcoin will hit 10000 is the biggest reason why Bitcoin is growing. The strange thing is that the general public is investing in them and hoping to make a huge bitcoin will hit 10000. Let's wait and see. The money managers get desperate to show a return by that time of the year if they havent which is likely since most havent made any money since March Although these MLM programs are reaching a broad audience and possibly teaching people, I feel that this kind of MLM programs end up in becoming scams and bring a bad name to Bitcoin and all the crypto currencies.

People bitcoin will hit 10000 use to invest in Share Market now are pouring out their money in this crypto currency. Investment bloggers and YouTubers who were afraid of the crypto market are now slowly easing up and trying to promote crypto as an alternative investment strategy. Since the last few months, almost every top media house in the world has been talking about Bitcoin. It is fascinating how bitcoin has become a store of bitcoin will hit 10000 instead of a currency. If you are interested in cryptocurrency I suggest you follow my blog.

But bitcoin will hit 10000 one can be sure of where the prices will go. Will check it out for sure. Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. I wonder how many people actually use Bitcoin as a currency? Many people started to invest in Bitcoin only after they saw the unbelievable price increase.

So more than exponential. I had hardly used it a few times but hoarded it whenever I could buy it. Let's wait and see. If you are interested in cryptocurrency I suggest you follow my blog.

But the last three months proved not only me but almost every person who thought that the price rise was just a fluke. It is fascinating how bitcoin has become a store of value instead of a currency. I think price could go further parabolic from here.

Mind you, I mean parabolic on a logarithmic chart. But no one can be sure of where the prices will go. It will hit 15, this year.

Crypto's fungibility seems to be dead. If the media coverage continues through October like it is now, we will bitcoin will hit 10000 a run at the end of the year like you wouldnt believe. Some companies are promoting their own cryptocurrencies in the guise of Bitcoin and selling them in some lucrative looking MLM program. Not sure that would happen, but I am saving all my bitcoins for that day to come.