Bitstamp api key management

Cointrol Cointrol is a Bitcoin trading bot and real-time dashboard for Bitstamp created by jakubroztocil. Cointrol was created to automate Bitcoin speculation. Besides automated trading based on price change triggers and various trading strategies, it also provides a real-time updated dashboard for your Bitstamp account where you can see all your orders and transactions real-time updated something Bitstamp lacks. The dashboard for a real-time updated overview can also be used standalone without letting Cointrol make any transactions.

Some of the obvious limitations—all of which could easily bitstamp api key management addressed—are:. Even though Cointrol has been used for real transactions, no guarantees are provided in terms of security, correctness, etc. Create a new key and configure permissions for it.

Cointrol needs at least the following permissions:. Don't forget to activate the key by clicking "Activate" and confirming the email you receive from Bitstamp. By default, it will run on http: Use this convenient link to log in: The bitstamp api key management app has a WebSocket connection to cointrol-serverand have recently heard from cointrol-trader.

The web app has a WeSocket connection to cointrol-serverbut have not heard from cointrol-trader in a while. It only pulls your data from Bitstamp to populate the dashboard view. Until the following steps are completed and trading is explicitly enabled, Cointrol doesn't attempt to make any transaction on your behalf:. All the settings are Django settings. Some of the obvious limitations—all of which could bitstamp api key management be addressed—are: Architecture The system consists of the following components: Prerequisites Make sure you bitstamp api key management the following software installed on your system: Create a Django user.

Configure Bitstamp API access 3. Cointrol needs at least the following permissions: Account balance User transactions Open orders If you want Cointrol make transactions for you, select two following permissions as well: Buy limit order Sell limit order Don't forget to activate the key by clicking "Activate" and confirming the email you receive from Bitstamp.

Connection indicator colors explained: The web app couldn't bitstamp api key management WebSocket connection to cointrol-server.

Trading Until the following steps are completed and trading is explicitly enabled, Cointrol doesn't attempt to make any transaction on your behalf: Through the admin http: Create a trading session also in the admin interface. Settings The settings is resolved in this order: Contact Jakub Roztocil https: No Reply at the moment.