Brett manney nxt robot

I want snow, please. Dear Santa, I want you to make those boys be my cousins. Dear Santa, Please bring me a chocolate candy, dolphin toy, a moving mermaid doll and a yo yo talking toy brett manney nxt robot and stickers. I ben a good grle os can you get me ole this stuf. Merry Christmas, Destiny Alfaro Age:

I want a bunch of Santa Clauses. Have a mary Crismis Santa. Dear Santa, How are the elves doing I hop they all are doing gid.

What is it like at your home? For crismis I wot macup. Dear mom and dad I would like a webkinz, brett manney nxt robot Hannah-Montana doll, a mini laptop, for the webkinz I want a put or something a cook book, I carly toys, a Brett manney nxt robot pod, a book, a littlest pet shop ds game. My bruthr want a dinocamos and my uthr bruthr want music staf. Santa, I love you.

Santa, I will leave you cookies and milk. I would like for you to bring me a fake fish. Chritmas caroling is fun. I want a rodot and that is it pleeeeeeeeeees Signed Elijah Ryan. I will brett manney nxt robot like in green small laptop.

Dear Santa, That was cool when you came to my house first last year can you try to do that again. Dear Santa, I want a nackace brett manney nxt robot Christmas. Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Dear Santa, I want a webKins for my cameputter and a D.

My dad watts nufeing. Dear Santa, I wut for cismsi my lof loose ft front toof and I wut a radir reindeer and it nam rodof the red no reddr. Dear Santa, I want a house to play with and animals to play with. The next thing I brett manney nxt robot for Christmas is a baby cat. For Christmas I whant a Amairakin gril doll bed, pet, and pagomas.