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During the synthesis of a second-generation monoamine oxidase-B inhibitor rasagiline, two unknown impurities impurity A and impurity B were detected and isolated by preparative liquid chromatography. Based on mass spectroscopy and NMR, these two impurities were characterized as the by-products with buy 999 racemic selegiline liquid propargyl carbamate structure, whose generation was related to the carbon dioxide in the alkaline reaction solution.
Because the carbamate structure has been highlighted as a class of potentially genotoxic impurities GTIsbuy 999 racemic selegiline liquid genotoxicity of these two impurities was evaluated by the malformation test and the comet assay using zebrafish embryos.
The results showed that the genotoxicity of impurity B was significant higher than that of rasagiline and other impurities. The established method showed a good specificity, linearity, precision and accuracy. The detection limit of this method was 2. The article was received on 19 Augaccepted on 28 Oct and first published on buy 999 racemic selegiline liquid Nov If you are not the author of this article and you wish to reproduce material from it in a third party non-RSC publication you must formally request permission using RightsLink.
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