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Trademark Office for fruit drinks. As Bob Garfield of Ad Age recently posted: That is a topic for another day. In the meantime, to test this argument, you may want to check out my post concerning non-verbal logos that truly can stand alone. As Graphicology Blog aptly noted: The bottle still makes clear reference to Gatorade. I guess time will tell if this is a transition from the full name to the short version or if they will resort back to the full name after this campaign has run its course.
Still, amazing how apparently little thinking went into this execution. Between the trademark issues and the colloquial language issues, this name change would have never made it through our screens. I presume you would have put your foot down too, if Coke asked you to check the name.
The stuff was very over thought and not that good. I thought the Element 79 stuff was much better. This new stuff is total crap. For me, creativity has always been a way of standing out from the crowd, doing the unexpected, and adding passion to my work. Steve Baird Just so you know, I'm all about brands and the law, both professionally and personally.
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Talon Energy are about as close you could get to Screw black, purple is the most bad-ass color around. Purple clothes, purple cars, I even own Purple Rain on Vinyl. Hell, my hair has been various purple shades pretty much straight on since ! So I got pretty Stok Coffee Shot Vs. Two products are in the market although one of them seems to be for a shorter time to help a Abb ripped force Rarely do I get a chance to recommend a drink to fully as I do with Ripped Force, a drink meant for athletes and high impact workouts that need that extra Oomph.