Crypto kitties ethereum

Launched a few days ago, CryptoKitties is essentially like an digital version of Pokemon cards but based on crypto kitties ethereum Ethereum blockchain. Built by Vancouver and San Francisco-based design studio AxiomZenthe game is the latest fad in the world of cryptocurrency and probably soon tech in general.

People are spending a crazy amount of real money on the game. This third party site tracks the largest crypto kitties ethereum made to date on the game.

And like any good viral sensation prices are rising and fluctuating fast. Right now it will cost you about. So now we have people using Ether, an asset with arguably little tangible utility — to purchase an asset with unarguably zero tangible utility. Welcome to the internet in This means users literally own their kittens. Unlike crypto kitties ethereum Neopets where everything was stored on a central crypto kitties ethereum and your pet was deleted when the company shut down, CryptoKitties is decentralized and will live forever on the Ethereum blockchain.

The game is run via a set of 5 Ethereum smart contracts written by AxiomZen, and users interact with it via their own Ethereum address.

Right now the easiest way to do that is by using the Chrome extension MetaMask which gives you the ability crypto kitties ethereum send and receive Ethereum directly in your browser. This traffic is crypto kitties ethereum it hard to play CryptoKitties, and a lot of transactions like buying and selling cats are taking longer than usual to process and needing multiple attempts. This crypto kitties ethereum ensure your crypto kitties ethereum are born on time!

The extra is needed to incentivize miners to add birthing txs to the chain. Long-term solution will be explored very soon!

And anyone can sell their kittens via an auction, where they pick a starting price and an ending price and the price declines over time until someone buys it. Kittens can also be created by breeding them, which the game calls Siring. You can put your own kitten up for sire for a specified amount of ether and someone can breed with it, and they get the offspring and you get the ether. The shorter the time the better, crypto kitties ethereum you can sell the offspring sooner and breed again.

This means kittens with shorter cooldown time usually sell for more. Each kitten has a bit genome that holds the genetic sequence to all the different combinations kittens can have. These include things like background color, cooldown time, whiskers, beards, stripes and so on. Some of these genes can be recessive, meaning a kitten without stripes could still breed one with stripes.

That means the community is independently deciding what traits are rare by paying a crypto kitties ethereum for them. For example, kittens with a gold background have been selling more than kittens with other colors.

Users can only self-customize the name of their kitten, and often use this space to advertise rare attributes like color or generation. Each time a cat breeds the generation increases one.

So the offspring of a Gen 0 kitten would be a Gen 1, and so on. Earlier generation kittens seem to be selling for more money, both for the intangible rareness factor and the tangible fact that earlier generation kittens usually have shorter cool down times. They also take a 3. Unlike some viral projects, the team behind CryptoKitties was set on building out this product regardless of crypto kitties ethereum hype.

I love online gaming, and I have a history dealing with economies of intangible digital 'things' that somehow translate into real-world value.

Back in high-school, my brother and I made quite a bit of money one summer selling Diablo-II items to other players. Crypto kitties ethereum game lets you buy digital kitties as 'pets', then do all kinds of things with them. You can collect them, and watch your collection of adorable little kitties grow.

You can breed them and make new kitties. You can also sell them - this is where it gets interesting! This is not a kitty from the game. Pictures of the kitties from the game remain the intellectual property of Axiom Zen. The a website kittysales.

CryptoKitties are unlike many games that have come before it, in that it is being run on top of a blockchain. In a similar way to how the Steem blockchain stores all of crypto kitties ethereum social crypto kitties ethereum content from the website Steemit. Blockchain technology offers many exciting possibilities to change how we live our lives and interact with the world.

Steem and CryptoKitties are two great use-cases that demonstrate how the technology can be used. These can be crypto kitties ethereum off of a website like Coinbase. Similar to how 'regular' dollars are stored in a 'regular' wallet, digital tokens such as Etherium are stored in a 'digital' wallet.

For the CryptoKitties game, the recommended wallet to crypto kitties ethereum is called MetaMask. You can download a MetaMask plugin for Firefox or Chrome. You can also use a different browser called Brave. When you install the wallet, you will open an account, which will provide you with a set of private keys and a password.

It is very important that you save these somewhere safe, and back them up somewhere such as a burned CD or flash drive that you would be able to recover them from in case your harddrive ever crashed. After you have setup your digital wallet, you can transfer your tokens from Coinbase or wherever you purchased them from to the wallet address in your MetaMask wallet. You can find your wallet address by clicking the "Copy Address to clipboard" link, found in the main menu - the one with three crypto kitties ethereum Your wallet address should look something like this: From the Coinbase send page, you just need to plug in that address and then send the tokens.

They should arrive in your MetaMask wallet after a few minutes. If it seems to take a long time, you can open up the transaction from Coinbase to see the status. If crypto kitties ethereum is still in pending, they just haven't arrived yet. Be patient, and they should get there soon enough. If the transaction crypto kitties ethereum, the crypto kitties ethereum should end up back in your Coinbase account.

One thing that new users may not be aware of, is every action in the game costs ETH tokens. You will need to use tokens to purchase new kitties. You will need crypto kitties ethereum use tokens to breed kitties. Keep this in mind, and make sure you have enough tokens.

This should give you enough money to buy one kitty shop around to find a good dealbreed it more info on this laterand then sell either the original kitty or the offspring. This will give you the ability to shop around for a few crypto kitties ethereum, experiment with breeding, and either grow your collection or try to sell some back to the market and make a profit. Every ETH transaction will have a transaction cost associated with it. The transaction will have a fixed cost in terms of the amount of computation the blockchain has to do in order to process it.

Crypto kitties ethereum get to chose how much to pay for those computations by setting the Gas Price. After the number representing the amount of computations is multiplied by the Gas Pricethe blockchain will determine the total cost.

The total cost is not known at the time that the transaction is submitted, so you should also set a Gas Limitwhich is the maximum value you are willing to pay. The blockchain will not charge a higher fee than what is needed, but if it is more than the Gas Limit you set, the transaction will fail.

If this happens, it will still charge you the amount you set as your Gas Limit - even though it failed. Detailed information about both the Gas Price and Gas Limit crypto kitties ethereum be found here. The higher you set the Gas Pricethe quicker your transaction will be processed, and the less likely it will be left pending until crypto kitties ethereum eventually times out. When the network is especially busy which seems to always be the caseI recommend you use a high Gas Pricesince the higher you set crypto kitties ethereum the more likely the transaction will be picked up.

It seems like 60 is a good number. I also usually like to double whatever the Gas Limit is, but make sure that it is not set too high. If the Max Transaction Fee that is shown seems way to high, reject the transaction and try again. You can also do estimates of transaction times based on Gas Price here: Unfortunately, the massive increase in transactions on the Etherium network caused by the huge number of people starting to play the CryptoKitties game has brought the Etherium blockchain to crypto kitties ethereum knees.

Most game players are experiencing severe delays, and it has practically rendered the game unusable for many users. This is a trick that I have found, and if you are a die-hard kitties fan, or just really want to play the game without running into delays:. If you do not want to wake up at crypto kitties ethereum If it continues to fail, all you can do is keep re-trying possibly with an even higher Gas Price and hope your transaction eventually goes through.

You can do some calculations on estimated transaction times based on your Gas Price here: When you breed two kitties, you can either breed two of your crypto kitties ethereum, or you can breed one of yours with someone else's cat.

After breeding, the mother kitty will have a "Bun in the Oven" for a period of time. After that, the new kitty will appear in your collection. One of the most important aspects of the game is the traits that kitties have. Different traits can be considered crypto kitties ethereum valuable than others, and many crypto kitties ethereum significantly more rare than others. One of the main goals in crypto kitties ethereum game is to try and breed kitties that result in super-rare traits that crypto kitties ethereum wants!

To see a full list of traits that are available, and the statistics for how many kitties have each, check out https: A lot of people have been saying that the recent impacts to Ethereum blockchain due to the crypto kitties ethereum increase in CryptoKitties transactions is demonstrating that the network is going to be unable to scale past it's current state. What is interesting is that if you compare Ethereum with the Steem blockchainthe Steem blockchain is able to handle significantly more transactions than Ethereum without any delays.

Steem also does has many advanced security featuresand not charge any fees for transactions. Whether the Ethereum blockchain will be able to adapt to allow the network to scale beyond it's crypto kitties ethereum limitations remains to be seen.

I certainly hope that it can find a way to support significantly more traffic than it does today, because it would be quite fun if CryptoKitties could take over the world.

The transaction fee is so high you need to put it higher for it to pass thru. I used k crypto kitties ethereum and 60 gwei and crypto kitties ethereum was done in a minute. So, it isn't true, what people say, that Ethereum has the computational power of a cell phone. You're being too nice, Tim. You know from a technical perspective that Ethereum is not going to be able to scale as well as a DPOS consensus protocol. I'm all for healthy competition, and I of course believe STEEM is the best ; - but right now any crypto project that is bringing mainstream attention and money into the larger crypto economy is a big win right now.

There are definitely limitations, and maybe ETH might not be able to get past them - but it doesn't mean they won't. I am building a farm of gen 0 kitties because an average investor cannot afford it, if you want crypto kitties ethereum invest in it you only need to send any amount of SBDs you want to invest to lrd and put your ETH address in the memo link so you can receive crypto kitties ethereum once the farm is set up.

More info about the project: Thank you very much for this guide! By following this I was able to purchase my very crypto kitties ethereum cryptokitten! It crypto kitties ethereum my first time using the ETH blockchain, so it was very interesting to learn about it in the process of obtaining my kitten: I will try to apply network congestion tip tomorrow, It's very helpful because this is the top issue being faced by me or by everyone else now. I follow all the tips in the guide, and all my transactions have been going trough flawlessly!

It became my first time the usage of the ETH blockchain, so it became very exciting to learn about it inside the method of acquiring my crypto kitties ethereum.

I am glad that CryptoKitties have taken over Ethereum. Everyone knew they didn't have enough horse power, and now crypto kitties ethereum is has just become obvious to everyone.

We should do CryptoPuppies on steem. But anyway, the interface is more of the hard part. You have to let steemians view their sloths in a way they can interact with them.

A blog post about what your sloth is doing nothing is really boring. Many face scalability challenges and are addressing them. Are you happy when Bitcoin's network is bogged down too? I'm wondering which alts you may crypto kitties ethereum diversified in to be happy and cheerlead when ETH's network has a hiccup. I wonder if their promises of superior scalability work out when they have enough demand on their network to qualify.

I'm also not sure how you knew that "everyone" was aware that ETH network didn't have enough horsepower, but that's impressive. Etherium has had trouble with its throughput power almost every time a new coin was offered that used it. And we are no where near the early adopter phase yet. If we look back on etherium's throughput, from 10 years in the future, we will not even be able to see these new coin offerings, without zooming in really close.

Talks about why EOS was designed, the functionality it is supposed to deliver is because of the shortcomings in Etherium crypto kitties ethereum were being seen more than a year ago. So, from my view, Etherium has run into its limitations a lot, and I haven't heard anything from the Etherium team that sounds like, "we just did this and increased our processing by 10x".

You hear lots of rumblings about bitcoin.