Derrick bateman nxt robot

Michael McGillicutty, Kaitlyn vs. Maxine, Curt Hawkins vs. Trent Barreta, and Darren Young vs. Derrick Bateman Jan 4, - Matt Striker kicked the show derrick bateman nxt robot in the ring. He reminded everyone that the th episode was right around the derrick bateman nxt robot, and tonight's celebratory guest was Michael McGillicutty.

More importantly, William Regal checked in at commentary. It's like WWE is giving me a late Christmas present. Matt Striker tried to shake McGillicutty's hand. He declined, and then went into a promo about how NXT sucks. McGillicutty talked about Nexus and his run with the tag team championships, but he said his accomplishments were not derrick bateman nxt robot of his time on NXT. McGillicutty said he accomplished things because he does what he wants when he wants and no one sees him coming.

He said no one would derrick bateman nxt robot him from becoming a success in the WWE. Alex Riely's music hit, and he joined Striker and McGillicutty in the ring. Riley got a cheap pop before addressing McGillicutty. Riley ran down McGillicutty for being ungrateful and a coward and then Riley said the only way to earn respect in the WWE was to earn it in the ring with your bare hands. Riley then challenged McGillicutty to a match. McGillicutty attacked, and a referee derrick bateman nxt robot out to start their match.

Alex Riley defeated Michael McGillicutty in 9: Riley was dominant early and he quickly a modified jumping DDT.

McGillicutty caught Riley in the gut and started cackling maniacally McGillicutty continued his assault before locking in a rest hold. Riley eventually battled back and ran through his signature spots. McGillicutty managed to regain control and went up top, but Riley moved the ropes to cause him to fall. Riley followed with the Final Score to pick up the win. After the match, the announcers recapped the end of last week's NXT. Backstage, Derrick Bateman was talking to Kaitlyn about Maxine.

Maxine and Johnny Curtis showed up. Maxine told Bateman that since he crossed her, she would make him regret it… [C] Ryan's Rant: What gimmick is McGillicutty using? The announcers called him "The Natural" but he's wearing a backwards baseball cap and talking like a punk.

Then he cackles like he's insane. Whatever they are going for, all that came out was a mess. The match was pretty boring, mostly because we haven't been given a reason to care about either man in quite some time, but the slow pace did them no favors.

Maxine defeated Kaitlyn in 1: Kaitlyn took control early and she hit Maxine with a series of power moves.

Maxine managed to reverse Kaitlyn's powerslam attempt and locked in a beautiful dragon sleeper. Kaitlyn was unable to battle out, and she was forced to tap Short throwaway match that seemed to only exist to get Maxine's dragon sleeper over as a finishing move.

That's fine by me as Maxine locked that hold in very well. Maxine has shown a good move set so far in her time on NXT, and I hope she's moved to one of the TV shows soon to add some spice to the very stale Diva's division.

The Raw Rebound focused on the six-man tag team main event and Kane's attempt to drag Zack Ryder to hell. Backstage, Trent Barreta and Yoshi Tatsu were playing video games. Curt Hawkins and Tyler Reks showed up to mock them and take their controllers, but Tatsu revealed the dreaded Japanese super glue, and Reks' hands were stuck to the controller Hawkins picked apart Barreta in the early going and he hit a huge tilt-o-whirl bodyslam for a near fall.

Hawkins continued to keep Barreta off of his feet with a series of alternating rest holds and stomps. Barreta finally got a break when he caught Hawkins with a step-up enziguri.

Barreta followed with the Gobstopper for a near fall. Hawkins rolled to the floor and Barreta followed him with a dive. Quick and fun match. Hawkins got in the majority of offense and he served well as a base for Barreta's flashy offense. I do feel like I've seen all these two can do with each other, though, which is one of the biggest problems this show suffers from. Young made his way to the ring and cut a promo talking derrick bateman nxt robot how he's Mr.

Darren Young defeated Derrick Derrick bateman nxt robot in 3: Bateman took control early, but Young managed to get him on the apron. Once there, Young tried to drop Bateman on the apron but missed, and Bateman fell painfully to the floor. Bateman responded by throwing Young into the steel post before hitting a flying dropkick from the ring apron. Maxine and Johnny Curtis made their way to the stage.

Maxine announced that the two were getting married in two weeks. Bateman was distracted and then turned around to eat a Gut Check from Darren Young. Young covered Bateman and scored the pinfall. Young is one of those guys that would greatly benefit from a manager. His promo delivery is robotic and his voice sounds so nasally that it's difficult to take the tough-guy act they have going for him seriously.

I hope Bateman derrick bateman nxt robot ok after that botch that saw him heading back-first to the floor. Overall, this edition of NXT felt pretty uninspired. There derrick bateman nxt robot some decent action, but nothing I would consider worth going out of your way to see.

If derrick bateman nxt robot have any questions or comments or just wish to chat with a fellow wrestling fan about whatever, then feel free to email me at ryan.

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