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Therefore, you should only copy block databases from Bitcoin installations under your personal control, and only over a secure connection.
Each node has a unique block database, and all of the files are highly connected. So if you copy just a few files from one installation's "blocks" or "chainstate" directories into another installation, this will almost certainly cause the second node to crash or get stuck at some random point in the future.
If you want to copy a block database from one installation to another, you have to delete the old database and copy all of the files at once.
Both nodes have to be shut down while copying. Only the file with the highest number in the "blocks" directory is ever written to. The earlier files will never change. Retrieved from " https: Technical Bitcoin Core documentation. Navigation menu Personal tools Create account Log in. Views Read View source View history. Sister projects Essays Source. This page was last edited on 19 November , at Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution 3.
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