Eos replacing ethereum decentralized exchangesivan on tech brock pierce et al

Very interesting perspectives to say the least. Also in this panel we discussed decentralized exchanges and the token economy. Some people don't seem to like Dan Larimer, but like him or not, the guy is a visionary, and it's eos replacing ethereum decentralized exchangesivan on tech brock pierce et al great thing he's here! Am I the only one who is surprised people have not realized how shit Bitcoin is yet?? HIGH Fees long wait times and a crazy difficulty level.

Only good for BIG purchases cause of the fees. I am mad I didn't buy a couple last year at when I was going to but I would prolly sell them now after learning more about the use of it. Steam tried it and quickly got rid of it cause of its PAIN in the ass things.

Seems like that could be the thing behind a crash and Bitconnect if it is what it seems a GIANT Pyramid Scheme that will be bad for the whole Crypto community and a excuse for Governments not to let it in. Ivan why don't you make yourself a small fortune and make an iphone app or PC prog that is an eos eth registering wallet that we could send our erc20 eos tokens to for automatic registering them, help us old people out to save some time?

I know you could do it love ya! No matter how smart, great speaker and charming he is, his disgusting past will always haunt him.

Dan Larimer didn't address the issue about transactions per second without compromises. Find me a video that he tackles this issue, and not a video saying that they can do it. Then I might actually believe in his product. Too bad man, Cardano is going to take all this stuff over, better combine your forces together and then create something. That is what i call working together! On june first they will take a snapshot of the ethereum address these tokens are stored in and reward each token holder with equal amounts of the EOS coins that are based on the EOS blockchain.

After this the Ethereum based tokens will be worthless! If EOS performs at the speed it claims at the release in June, ethereum will most likely have no way to compete.

EOS' platform is different than anything out there. DPOS is starting to prove that it is the best method of confirmation, due to no fees and free transactions, No wasted electricity in "mining" coins that amounts to hundreds of billions of lost value every year.

As soon as the majority starts to realize this concept, i believe there will be a paradigm shift of people moving money out of other ethereum like coins and into EOS and other DPOS platforms. Picture the EOS vs Eth debate like a grocery store. If something like Crypto eos replacing ethereum decentralized exchangesivan on tech brock pierce et al gets a lot of notariety and usage, the Ethereum based platform will bog down which is what we saw when crypto kitties came out. EOS will handle thousands of apps like this with no problem.

You could host all of the credit card transactions worldwide on the EOS platform, but that's not accounting for any of the other use cases for EOS. It could truly change everything about the way we do business, settle disputes, and can infinitely scale as use eos replacing ethereum decentralized exchangesivan on tech brock pierce et al arise.

I will be glad to explain any of these points in further detail and share the knowledge i have attained in this market for the past several years in return for donations. This video is from Blockshow Asia event organized by Cointelegraph. Someone knock that off his head.

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For example, what was its performance for June 2016 or for all of 2015. The Bitcoin Wizard on the Wall Street Journal is a crowdsourced attempt to place a Bitcoin advert in the newspaper calling itself an ITO Eos replacing ethereum decentralized exchangesivan on tech brock pierce et al Troll Offering. Concerns have largely focused on their astronomical gains in value and the likelihood of painful price crashes. Everything you need to know about a market you should probably avoid Why You Should Wait To Buy Gold Stocks In 2018 How to Buy Bitcoin If you want to lay down a little money on the hottest investment market in the world.

Of course the fact that we cannot explicitly give advice does not mean that others cannot share their experiences here Merry Christmas everyone.