Ethereum mining linux vs windows

Ethereum mining linux vs windows or Windows for mining ETH? Just my 2 cents With windows you can adjust voltage right in the driver window if your card can support it, supposedly you can adjust voltage in linux, but I haven't found it yet. The other problem you have with anything like simple mining is they get you hooked and then once your used to the product or locked in via an update they will start charging, and unless you have all the time to reconstruct your work you will be in a pickle with no options!!!!!!

If you think that's the easiest, ethereum mining linux vs windows try SimplemingOS, that'll blow your mind and it's free for now. I never even got to the GUI with those drivers because of some versioning issue. EthOS is the easiest solution. It was really easy and auto-updated. Just my 2 cents

It was running about 78C. Goto the website frontend and setup whatever you want to mine. I also didn't want to pay money for something that I didn't already own which may or may not work.

I also didn't want to pay money for something that I didn't already own which may or may not work. I did get 3D acceleration with the open source drivers, but ethereum mining linux vs windows wouldn't mine for more than 15 seconds. Unless your fluent in Linux you'll get better hash rates on a Windows machine. I am unaware of that being possible in linux. It was really easy and auto-updated.

Goto the website frontend and setup whatever you want to mine. I have both Win 10 and Xubuntu rigs setup. I tried it again in the last month or so, upgraded to the latest version at the time, still a PITA to configure. September edited September I haven't tried EthOS.