Ev3 color sensor with nxt robot
The starting point for the tiles is the Robocup Junior Rescue Field mat from Modern Teaching Aids which can be used whole or cut into 15 tiles. HiTechnic sensor is not affected at all by this ambient light level, the result are the same as those obtained in a dark room. They are using the red value to control the line following.
The first test was performed in a dark room, with the color sensor perpendicular to the plates. The NXT-G program used counts the number of cycles during which yellow and red are detected. HiTechnic one has a white LED, and a specialized color sensitive chip.
In order to test reliability, this cycle is repeated 10 times at each distance. Dark room, color sensor slightly tilted. They are using the red value to control the line following.
HiTechnic remains completely immune to ambient light level! Well, it needed to be able to identify non Lego colours so it could read the colours from the cube. I have a long standing interest in color sensors They are successively shown to the color sensor, and the color read is recorded.
An added advantage of HiTechnic method is that it can detect the color of light sent on it in passive mode, with the white LED shut off. The triangle shaped support allows to change the angle between the plates and the sensor. This chip has three sensitive areas covered by red, green and blue filters.
Test distance between base of the sensor and the plates is 1, 2, 3, 5 and 8 ev3 color sensor with nxt robot. Knowing the diameter of the propeller, width of blade and rotation speed, it's easy to derive the time during which the blade is in front of the sensor. I have a long standing interest in color sensors This fourth article covers a really cool trick for working with the EV3 colour sensor.
In order to test reliability, this cycle is repeated 10 times at each distance. Dark room, color sensor slightly tilted. The other issue was using brightness mode for line following and then having to swap to colour mode to look for shortcuts.
HiTechnic sensor is not affected at all by this ambient light level, the result are the same as those obtained in a dark room. The issue was that Lego made the EV3 sensor very good at identifying the Lego colours, but it was now less ev3 color sensor with nxt robot for other shades of the colours. Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Google. Well, it needed to be able to identify non Lego colours so it could read the colours from the cube.