How many bitcoin have been lost

Before silk road or mainstream exchanges like Mt. There are handfuls of cases of people who mined or were given hundreds or thousands of coins and simply reformatted the hard drive the wallet was on, or threw out the wallet all together.

Other than the super early people, you had a long period of time how many bitcoin have been lost there were medium amounts of coins in the bitcoin range that also suffered the same fate of being destroyed or just forgot about. I know personally that I lost about bitcoin on a hard drive that I accidentally broke.

There were also so many cases of people either sending to the wrong address or abandoning small amounts on how many bitcoin have been lost once they had made a transaction.

So how many coins do we think are lost forever? They would be about a million coins straight off the bat. From what we know, Satoshi only really ever spent about 50 btc and mostly just as a way to bring people in and show them the protocol. This means that more than ever we are getting a clearer view of the amount that are lost. Bitcoin already has such a limited supply so the fact that many of them are lost and the fact that more are being lost every day through accidents, death, ect.

Thanks to Elyaque for the badges. No bitcoins are lost forever. They are just incredibly hard to find. Eventually computer power will allow people to find them.

By then bitcoin will have changed to a more secure algorithm that can resist those advanced computers though assumes core devs are long gone. Old wallets would still be vulnerable to being broken. The number is unrecoverable bitcoins can only rise in the future I would think.

Yeah you better believe it, imagine if you were the one who how many bitcoin have been lost btc because you didnt bother keeping the hard drive? Losing Bitcoin is never fun. I had some early on. Possibly about 20 still on an old hard drive that crashed.

The pictures on the drive at the time were worth more than BTC but I didn't bother with either. Now I which I had. Yeah its crazy, I have been lucky and only probably lotstill thats a ton now for many people. This was an interesting read into bitcoin. It was and still is in many ways an experiment so people didnt bother keeping anything. I think it's pretty safe to say with the price of Bitcoin now most transactions going forward will probably not go lost.

I wonder what the longterm impact on this issue is. Afaik it is not possible to divide BTC any further than down to 1 Satoshi. So what happens if it needs to be broken down further when large amounts should get lost? That was a nice read! I had a friend with hundres of btc ltc and eth on his laptop. Also heard a prominient btc evangelist in NYC talk about how he has hundreds of laptops that may have had s of btc for an live exchange in he was holding but he lost the passwords for them.

I kick myself for not getting in on it in when i first heard of bitcoin. I think the hard forks have definitely revealed a bunch of people who have been laying low until now. I would love to see a chain analysis site release some data. Wonderfull postI can say that bitcoin wallet how many bitcoin have been lost recovery how many bitcoin have been lost not possible and all those accounts will lose bitcoin.

But did you know that the makers of the video raised 6, BTC to pay for its production and then lost the private key to the address where the funds were sent? Since then, a few people have sent small amounts of bitcoins to the address.

And if you want to check it out for yourself, here is the address Satoshi Nakamoto is estimated to possess 1 million BTC. But if he sold them he probably wouldnt get half of it. Its a problem for crypto, early addopters who got insanely rich could easily crash a currency, even by mistake.

Even I once davo mynil, then there was a lot of things to do and I stopped minny - abandoned. And I also just lost a few bitcoins. Its quite interesting topic thath you have shared about bitcoins please check my article about the blockchain technology. I almost lost few bitcoins the few weeks ago because the wallet on my laptop became corrupted. I learned my lesson and made a backup of all the key words now. The amount of bitcoin that is inactive, which is stored in personal wallet, is high. Some are being used for speculation.

I know a guy who wanted to time lock his Bitcoin using python script. Sad thing USB he wanted to lock until year but mistakenly entered the year 2,!! Yep, those are lost! As amazing as Bitcoin is, it' amazing to think that we're still early days. I've heard folks say it's like the Internet in It's still really easy to accidentally lose bitcoin, especially if you're not really careful about securing keys, seed phrases, etc Many folks could be a hard drive crash away from losing everything.

Just imagine what things will be like in 10 years Bitcoin and cryptos are developing faster than the Internet. There was an article before, telling about a guy that threw away his old hard drive with about bitcoins on it. And also there is a funny story that looks as a fake these days, telling us about some guys that bought pizza for 10k bitcoins back in Authors get paid when people like you upvote their how many bitcoin have been lost.

Hacking old wallets will be a profession then. Like panning for gold in a river. Yeah, or like those deep sea exploration companies that collects treasures from old how many bitcoin have been lost wrecks.

I might have to go to the dump and search out old hard drives. I wouldn't take it easy on myself for losing it. Thanks for adding to my knowledge bank. Eventually, there could be less than 1 Bitcoin in circulation Thanks for the insight but I think the stats can't be exact but the loss is always expected. Interesting article to read!!! As there is increasing awareness about bitcoin nowadays. I think this how many bitcoin have been lost an interesting story of lost bitcoins Almost everyone who is interested in Bitcoin has seen this video First published inand since updated, it has become a classic.

Yeah every time I see this video I remember this story. Damn, if that Satoshi still has access to its account he is already a multi-biljonair xD. How many bitcoin have been lost, I don't need no stinking testing.

Seems to be selling the price down or trying to hold it there. Do you want a share in a meaningful impact on your phone that is used to idenfiry if a digital solution for it, either by throwing something at it looks like a security breach. Bittrex has apparently disabled thousands of user accounts how many bitcoin have been lost no explanation, no response to support tickets.

But it should be noted that cryptocurrencies have crashed before, and like other investment vehicles could happen once again. I have witnessed many Profit Trailer clients experiencing rudeness.