Ibm blockchain for dummies

At their booth, they were giving away physical copies of their short book "Blockchain For Dummies. Many people on Steemit probably come from other social media outlets and may think that Steemit is "just another social media website that just so happens to be crazy enough to give away a bunch of money," and that cannot be further from the truth!

Steemit is actually built on top of the graphene based Steem blockchain. Well, to answer that, you should read the official whitepaper located here: Now, you might find yourself asking "So uhh, what's a blockchain?! Luckily, IBM is being kind enough to spread this publication around free of charge. So if you want to expand your knowledge of the cryptocurrency world and how it all ticks, this is an excellent starting position. If you find it useful, send it to people that you know that you may think would find this interesting or useful.

Tweeted for you too man - I tweet a lot of Steemit stuff trying to drive people here - the guy running the official Steemit twitter page ibm blockchain for dummies he did not like me month ago so stopped sharing my tweets LOL le sigh for ibm blockchain for dummies opinions of those at the top.

That rules, thanks so much man! Me and robrigo should have a witness node up soon. Gonna shoot for witness-hood sometime soon: I shared this post on my Facebook Page https: Hopefully it can help bring some folks into the blockchain fold! It's an important technology to get in tune with as soon as possible. It's becoming more and more ingrained in society and technology every second. That is the truth! Yeah right, its a good news. Although I have just join the blockchain world lately but I felt that still it was not too late for me.

This whole space hasn't hit mainstream adoption yet or even close to it. We're "still in the womb," we aren't even a baby yet in the grand scheme of things. If ibm blockchain for dummies wasnt for the intrepidthinker introducing me ibm blockchain for dummies you and robI would have never known about this great sitean ibm blockchain for dummies then I've been absorbing all your guys knowledge.

Glad to see you can gather some knowledge from us, it's why we share! You're very welcome, glad I could share something useful! I did, hope you have a good one yourself. You're very welcome, glad I could get you some information that you can put to use: Be sure to read ALL of it, it's not very long and it will help you in ways you won't realize. It ain't too late! Thank you for sharing this resource. My boss, The Emperor, is quite a "dummy".

He desperately needs this book. If you haven't read this book, it is one of the best ways to get up to speed on the space. Does not waste time blabbing about Bitcoin but goes right into the generalization and flexibility of this tech. Thank you matt-a for sharing this information and great educational tool!

The title practically says it all. Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. Barry Dutton tweeted 30 May - Least I can do to help a community minded brother out like you. You have been really good for Steemit man. Pretty nice find by you Matty.

I hope it is not just IBM spun propaganda as a globalist of some sort LOL have a good week with your farting cat hahahahahahaha: Thank you really great book!

That means, we still have so much opportunities. Thank you, glad that you could get the book And Germany?! That's awesome, I wish I could ibm blockchain for dummies back to Germany. I loved tat place. Niceeee, be sure to share it! Thanks as always for sharing good info. Hope you had a good holiday! Thanks man, much appreciated!

You're helpin' planet Erf. I am going to download this book ibm blockchain for dummies. And you're very welcome, be sure to ibm blockchain for dummies it! Thanks for sharing this. Gonna send it to a family member: Those are the things that can only help with the overall onboarding! Yep, that's the goal! It's really help full to me. Glad to help, be sure to share it with friends. I'm new to cryptocurrency. This will really help!

Yes, I will try reading it ibm blockchain for dummies. Sweet getting a copy so I can show ibm blockchain for dummies co worker. Killer, share the knowledge! I just wish I took up computer studies as my major when I went to uni: Great, I'll take a look and learn something new. Hahaha, you're very welcome. You're welcome, be sure to share it with people!

Blockchain is the next gen, an internet of value is needed.

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