Iran arrests models over instagrams without headscarves alleges kim kardashian is a secret agent

Watch it while you still can. The Iranian Revolutionary Guard accused Kim Kardashian West of acting as a secret agent on behalf of Instagram to influence Muslim women with photos portraying scenes contradictory to the teachings of Islam. We are taking this very seriously. By Irish Savant on May 15,

This in turn makes them very useful to the elite in influencing the wider populace and promoting their own dark agenda. Kim Kardashian left with her mother Kris and stepfather Caitlyn Jenner right. EconomicsFeature Posts. We are taking this very seriously.

Bitcoin is US Dollar 2. Comments are closed, but trackbacks and pingbacks are open. Devoid of any real talent the Kardashians are largely famous for being famous. The FBI and terrorism: By Gilad Atzmon on May 15,

The Mastermind Behind ? Jerusalem embassy baptism of fire: By Gilad Atzmon on May 15,

Watch it while you still can. IDF kills 58 unarmed Palestinians wound 2, Americans are training Syria rebels in Jordan:

Real news and perspectives that you won't find in the mainstream media. By Gilad Atzmon on May 15, Essential ReadingSeptember The Kardashians are a prime example of this. Seems like others also think so as this video indicates.