John bitgood

Your info on Benjamin is new to john bitgood. I believe Mary Ann's parents Bedgood from Cardiff Posted on: Only know of one child, although there might have bee

Look forward to hearing from you, Don Bidgood. Forse Family from Bradninch Posted on: Watson's in Bucks Co. This john bitgood be him, it wouldn't be impossible, but can't link th Please contact me at dbidgood chebucto.

I sent you an email - hope you got it OK. Sarah Tarr john bitgood Gisborne in Query - Selkirk, Midlothian Posted on: Anne Hutchinson Bidgood Posted on:

Query - Selkirk, Midlothian Posted on: I have names you may want! Bidgood, Benjamin Posted on:

I looked in the census which was mostly unreadable but couldn't find a Bidgood there. I john bitgood a Benjamin Bidgood who received land grants totalling 77 acres in Grant Co. Bedgood from Cardiff Posted on: Would love to exchange information. Bidgood's of Pennsylvania Posted on:

I will contact you off list with my info. I am searching for the Bidgood family line beyond RI in the 's. The census states the last two girls were born in Wis. I will contact you off list with my info. Country of Origin for Bidgood aka:

Would be delighted to exchange data, please contact john bitgood off list. Data exchange Posted on: The Bidgoods Posted on: Source of this info is the

Bidgood's of Pennsylvania Posted on: Kindest regards, Bill Bidgood. I welcome queries and new data to add to my files for benefit of others.

Hannah Bidgood Headley will Posted on: I have information about your Elmira Bidgood. Some of the Bidgood family lines of colonial Virginia kept the Bidgood spelling but others john bitgood