Klein bottle liquid filling

To appreciate the beauty of mathematics and nature there is no escaping without learning about a Klein Bottle. A three-dimensional representation of a Klein bottle looks like this — klein bottle liquid filling image ] There are number of phrases you can use to describe not exhaustively it. A few of them are as follows:. The Klein bottle is a non-orientable surface; informally, it is a surface in which notions of left and right cannot be consistently defined. That means it has no inside or outside.

Add another aspect — having no boundaries — to it, it gets more complex and you end up with a Klein bottle. Test the surface and edges: On this object you just created, move your finger along the surface. There is no inside or outside for this object, there is just one surface. The same thing happens with its edge try moving your finger klein bottle liquid filling the edge. Here is a Music box playing a Harry Potter theme continuous — forward, inverted, forward and so on klein bottle liquid filling manner; Relevant video: You can NOT practically do it.

I mean, spinning it like you spin a circle and get a sphere. You have a Klein bottle. Klein bottles cannot actually exist in our three-dimensional worlds, the ones that look like them Klein Bottles are just 3D representations of a 4D object. Like a two-dimensional drawing of a 3D cube. These models are available for you to buy.

Interestingly, in spite of having no inside or klein bottle liquid filling, they can be filled with a liquid. But, given the opposing force of air, they are pretty tough to fill. It is like the intersecting edges of a 3D cube in the 2D representation. At MIT and other places 4D printing is already happening.