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No need to be a genius to participate in Boom, c'est canon. All that's needed is some quick-wittedness and the ability to not take oneself too seriously! Hosted by Pascal Morrissette and Pascal Barriault, this high-energy liquide vaisselle maison qui mousseline quiz invites participants to answer questions as funny as they are unusual.

You're 12 to 14 and you want to be a contestant on the show? You could have a great experience with TWO people older than you your parents, your big brother, your grandmother, a liquide vaisselle maison qui mousseline fri The winner of this round breaks through to the finals.

The winning team will qualify for the finals. Winners move on liquide vaisselle maison qui mousseline the semifinals or, if they put on a stellar performance, skip ahead to the finals. Winners move on to the semifinals or skip ahead to the finals, if they put on a stellar performance. The winning team will head to the semi-finals or straight to the finals if its performance was exceptional.

The duo with the most points will be the big challenge winner. Challenge your trivia intellect, compete against friends, and prepare to be amazed by some of the zaniest facts! Children are in charge of the show and the tablet game.

Children and parents can play by themselves Start of main content. Official site for Boum, c'est canon! Episodes of Boum, c'est canon! Filter le contenu Choose a filtering option by age, fiction or season Category Season Season 1 choose this filter Season 2 choose this filter. Games and apps Show more games and apps. Trivia Boom in French. Show more games and apps.

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