Litecoin ltc partnership ncash verge xvg best cryptocurrency market newsbitcoin btc crash 2018

Videoclip oficial cu Carla's Dreams interpretand piesa "Monomaniac". Carla's Dreams, Alexandru Cotoi Text: Alexandru Cotoi, Carla's Dreams Directed by: Roman Burlaca Written by: Roman Burlaca si Cristi Branca Director: Orice upload neautorizat al acestui videoclip este ilegal si poate fi raportat oricand la RUvid. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws.

In order to avoid copyright infringement, please do not upload this video on your channel. Video Share Download Add to. ACupOfWater daca nu iti place aceasta melodie minunata Sa vedem cine ditre ei transmite un mesaj profund si metaforic prin melodiile lor Nu vreau cearta dar vreau sa indrept ratiunea unor oameni Inainte sa comentezi si sa jignesti pe cineva in cazul tau De ce nu o ignori? Unii chiar nu dati o sansa unei melodii minunate Daca nu iti place du-te si asculta ,melodiile'' tale Nu mai comenta fara sa gandesti!

Inainte sa jignesti pe cineva, gandeste-te daca e bine ceea ce faci! Inainte sa jignesti pe cineva Diana Tepes De asemenea Andrei Ionescu si eu am raspuns la multe comentarii in care era vorba de Carla's.

Chestia asta ma face sa ascult Satra B. Cu putin timp inainte de aparitia acestui videoclip am facut si eu o pictura despre fluturi in stomac. Cina a creat momentu de la 4: In general melodia si ideea foarte buna. Valeri Sova te rog frumos nu mai comenta doar pt ca nu ai ce face! Daca nu iti place Inainte sa jignesti pe cineva gandeste-te daca e bine ceea ce faci O zi buna in continuare!

Poate are atat de multe vizualizari la aceasta piesa dar Mie personal imi place foarte mult de ei. Vrei un abonat nou? Subscribe la mine 2. Like la acest comment 3. Chiar daca melodia litecoin ltc partnership ncash verge xvg best cryptocurrency market newsbitcoin btc crash 2018 cantata litecoin ltc partnership ncash verge xvg best cryptocurrency market newsbitcoin btc crash 2018 deruteaza si incurajeaza vorbirea moldovenilor in limba romana gresit.

In rest melodia este superba! Moldovenii nu stiu sa vorbeasca corect limba romanascriu gresit si nu folosesc cuvinte de legatura deloc. E exact ce face si carlas dream in melodia asta, doar ca el o face corect. Pe 5 mai a fost ziua verisorilor mei si pentru ei a fost cel mai mare cadou de la tine!!! Netta Israel 'Toy' wins Eurovision after dramatic public vote!

Delia - Inima Official Video. Carla's Dreams-Beretta Animation Video. Carla's Dreams - Frica Official Video. Nikos Vertis - Thelo na me nioseis Official Videoclip. Antonia si Feli vs. Carla's Dreams - Beretta Official Video. Mario Joy - King ft. Irina Rimes - Beau Official Video.

Lora - Cinci Official Music Video. Carla's Dreams - Antiexemplu. Lidia Buble - Sub apa Official Video.

I am not a financial advisor nor am I giving financial advice. I am sharing my biased opinion based off speculation. You should not take my opinion as financial advice. You should always do your research before making any investment.

You should also understand the risks of investing. This is all speculative based investing. Hy i am from Belgium and i can talk like the basis English but what does ''Dollar cost averaging'' mean? I know there is a litecoin ltc partnership ncash verge xvg best cryptocurrency market newsbitcoin btc crash 2018 that litecoin ltc partnership ncash verge xvg best cryptocurrency market newsbitcoin btc crash 2018 coming up i think it is The bitcoin will be cut in half for mining and i was hearing litecoin ltc partnership ncash verge xvg best cryptocurrency market newsbitcoin btc crash 2018 happens every 4 years.

We get 12 per block for mining but in it will go down to 6 also making it harder to get. I was just watching video about this but don't quote me if i am wrong. I believe in Bitcoin and i know it will be strong maybe not now but i know maybe in 10 years the value will be worth the wait.

This guy Patrick is awesome. I hate those youtubers who ramble and ramble and don't say anything. Thank you Patric for being a freakin beast…. Wondering whether I should pick up some more ncash! You think it could reach over 10 dollars years from now? Just found out Tron is available at coinflip atms in the USA. None near me as of yet but hopefully soon. Thanks for the plug for nash. Hey, have you done a video on KIN? I was looking at their roadmap and the fact that they are very transparent about everything plus their use of two separate blockchains permanently.

Just wondering what you think of this altcoin as a long term hold. Great analysis dude, im glad i found your channel! Really enjoy watching your videos. XVG may bounce down but it will keep going up until mid April. I got in cheap at 3 cents. Just bought some more Neo, Litecoin and Xlm! Just dollar cost averaging. Anyway, im not sure litecoins partnership had anything to do with the price increase. I think it would've increased regardless because bitcoin increased.

I say that because whenever bitcoin moves in either direction, so does the majority. So the news just happened at an opportune time. Now there is a few altcoins, mainly newer ones that go up without bitccoins permission but most are pumped in my opinion. Seems like the only way to gain right now is to follow the big dog. When it goes down u buy your favorites. When it goes up u put your earnings in tether till it goes back down which seems to be the norm at the moment. Then reinvest and buy more than you previously had.

Well thats been my strategy atleast. Have you looked into ncash as far as the road map? I love BitUniverse, great gem, appreciate the find there! NCash is a great project. People believe in different coins. Do you reckon blocklancer and 1world is a good investment. I try to go for recent low cap identifiable project in tokens?????

What was that portfolio app you use again? I forgot where you mentioned it on the video. This year Tel will grow up in times! This is exact information! Buy them and don't miss the boat! Or use an airdrop in case of emergency http: With all litecoin ltc partnership ncash verge xvg best cryptocurrency market newsbitcoin btc crash 2018 fud around now im not suprised its bearish.

Im still very very bullish on crypto so it doesnt bother me at all. Like that you are not pushing any misleading hype. Just the facts and opinions made clear. Hi Patrick, How are you? I'll try bitunivers later today. Is genesis or hashflare mining still profitable? Great video thanks for your detailed information on verge almost picked it up because it kept going up but glad i didnt BTC: NCASH is a great project.

Just needs some years. We all need to be more patient. Remember the hype has raised much money because it is a crytoasset of some sort… So adding a brand name on top of it could do that. Either case, the market will be interesting to see. What I do not like people calling others noob or FUD creators when they see the trend and look at past performance.

Not all crypto is rosy and people should have a right to be critical as long as it is based on data or evidences… I have told several Verge owners to look at the past. The performance has been less than spectacular… They failed to deliver on time… What is the hype on Verge based on?

Instead of looking at the obvious, they would attack me as a FUD creator… If they don't agree, they could just disagree and that would be the end. That is why it is so nonsense…. Leave a Reply Cancel reply.