Litecoin pool port 80 and 4430

Miner freezes if I put cursor to its window in Windows 10 until any key is pressed. Sometimes miner freezes randomly until any key is pressed. You should make some changes in Windows: This is POOL version.

Set the following environment variables, especially if you have GB cards:. If you use unsecure connection to mining pool, current developer fee is 1. If you don't agree with the dev fee - don't use this miner, or use "-nofee" option. Miner cannot just stop if cheat is detected because creators of cheats would know that the cheat does not work and they would find new tricks. If miner does not show any errors or slowdowns, they are happy. Only Stratum protocol is supported. Also worker name and other options if pool supports it.

Pools that require "Login. Worker" instead of wallet address are not supported directly currently, but you can use "-allpools 1" option to mine there. For systems with more than 10 GPUs: If not specified, default value is used.

For many cases you can increase performance by adjusting this parameter value. You can also specify values for every card, for example "-h ,,,0", zero value means autoselection. Use "-dmem 0" to disable this mode. Default value is "-1" autoselection. If set, "-allpools 1" will be set automatically. Default value is "-wd 1", it enables watchdog, miner will be closed or restarted, see "-r" option if any thread is not responding for 1 minute or OpenCL call failed.

Specify "-wd 0" to disable watchdog. For example, "-r 60" - restart miner every hour or when some GPU failed. So you can create "reboot. After restart, miner will append new log data to the same file. If you want to clear old log data, file name must contain "noappend" string. If missed, default file name will be used. Reduces mining intensity, useful if your cards are overheated. Note that mining speed is reduced too. More value means less heat and mining speed, for example, "-li 10" is less heat and mining speed than "-li 1".

You can also specify values for every card, for example "-li 3,10,50". Default value is "0" - no low intensity mode. For example, "-tt 80" means 80C temperature. You can also specify values for every card, for example "-tt 70,80,75". Specify zero to disable control and hide GPU statistics.

For example, "-ttli 80" reduces mining intensity if GPU temperature is above 80C. You can see if intensity was reduced in detailed statistics "s" key. You can also specify values for every card, for example "-ttli 80,85,80". You also should specify non-zero value for "-tt" option to enable this option. It is a good idea to set "-ttli" value higher than "-tt" value by C. For example, "-tstop 95" means 95C temperature. You can also specify values for every card, for example "-tstop 95,85,90".

This feature is disabled by default "-tstop 0". If it turned off wrong card, it will close miner in 30 seconds. You can also specify negative value to close miner immediately instead of stopping GPU, for example, "-tstop " will close miner as soon as any GPU reach 95C temperature.

You can also specify values for every card, for example "-fanmax 50,60,70". This option works only if miner manages cooling, i. Default value is "". In practice, a Litecoin solo miner will always achieve a slightly lower ratio in the long run. For this reason, merged mining does not cause sudden difficulty spikes and does not harm any of the involved networks.

How and when does the PPS ratio change? The PPS ratio depends on factors such as the current network difficulty and market price of merged-mined cryptocurrencies. Since these elements can be highly volatile, the ratio can change at any time. Where is my Dogecoin balance? The pool does not keep balances for Dogecoin or any of the other cryptocurrencies that it merge-mines.

All accounting is done in litecoins based on the current PPS ratio, which takes everything into consideration. Simply put, this means that instead of receiving separate payments in several cryptocurrencies, you receive more litecoins.

Can I use the same worker name and password for more than one physical miner? Yes, but if you use different workers it is easier to track your miners' performance. Your expected rewards will be the same either way. What happens if I reset a worker? A reset resets all of a worker's counters and statistics: It does not affect an account's rewards or global statistics. What is share difficulty? Share difficulty is a number that gives an indication of how difficult it is to find a share.

The lower this number, the more shares a miner will find at a given speed, and the lower their value. For this reason, share difficulty does not affect miners' expected earnings. Why does the pool report more shares than my miner? This pool serves variable-difficulty work units, so when you solve a share the pool counts it with multiplicity, according to its difficulty.

For example, if you solve a share that is four times as difficult as the baseline share, it gets counted as four shares. The technique of adapting the difficulty to each miner's hash rate allows the pool to measure workers' speed more precisely while keeping bandwidth usage optimal.

How does share difficulty influence my earnings? A higher share difficulty can only increase the variance, but not in a significant way. How is the value of a share a. The standard PPS formula is used: Do block finders get extra reward?

That would go against one of the main goals of the PPS system , which is to minimize variance. It would also make miners who don't find blocks earn less, as the PPS rate would need to be adjusted downwards.

We do list recently found blocks and their finders, but only for the sake of transparency. How do idle worker notifications work? You have the option to let the pool monitor your workers and notify you with an email when they go idle. Monitoring can be enabled separately for each of your workers , so if you wish you can have the pool monitor only a subset of your miners.

If multiple workers go idle simultaneously within one minute , you will only receive one email listing all of them. You will not receive further notifications for any given worker until it starts submitting shares again, and in any case not before 15 minutes have elapsed since the last notification. Can I use an exchange address for payouts? While technically possible, we strongly advise against using addresses provided by exchanges or other third-party services.

One of the main problems is that you do not fully control these addresses, and in particular if a problem arises you usually have no way to prove that you are the legitimate owner. On the other hand, if you create an address on your computer using any wallet software, you can easily produce a digital signature. If you decide to use a third-party address anyway, we strongly recommend that you do not lock the address.

If so, CPU mining is easy to set up. See here for the guide: Mine Primecoins or Protoshares with it. Got beef with me? It gets 44 Kh mining LTC I could not get any pts miner to work with my ti, let alone work with beeeeer. There is a pts miner for beeeeer, but you need to compile it for linux only right now. Ivanlabrie posted the link somewhere, I'n not sure where though, might be a few pages back? I really appreciate it! Lemme know if it works.

Oh, if you get a "malloc" error, make sure you have over Mb of free Vram video card memory. A bit weak compared to the gtm. Well it's 3 generations behind lol. Not bad for old mobile stuff. Between all of my machines I'm up to about cpm excellent, imma stick this info in the sticky: Get gts xD I've seen them for as low as 17 bucks used Or better yet, GTX ! Yup, nice thread eh? A gt does cpm! Maybe it'll last longer than that. I got there only to be told the teacher is sick, so class was cancelled.

I figured I'd mine for a bit: How well do the 1gb versions do? Any news on the scrypt-jane cudaminer for Windows? I got my ti up and mining again: D It's be nice to mine yacoin on it.

Mine pts on it A k does 14hpm with it: Pts miner throws "malloc" errors I hope scrypt-jane get implemented soon. Still running the PTS nvidia miner on the Alienware laptop. Laptop seems to crash a lot. Or the miner gets hung up. I followed this guide http: Is this the best way to mine XPM on a K? Is there a site like coinwarz for cpu coins? Forgive me for not making it through the whole thread before asking It's more profitable ; at least on newer cpus. Ivan, I had mmc but i killed it off bec the coin took a downslope to hell as far as i can tell, did the diff drop or something?

The new yam miner changed things New cpu coin, metiscoin. Start mining at ypool now! It's a tad complicated I let it be but heard it's really good.

Similar to yam for pts, it's really memory intensive, and it's easy to slow down sgminer with it. My priority is gpu mining with my client's rigs, so, didn't bother with it. I did set up that ypool mtc miner since it was really easy. I've mined about 1 mtc so far in 4 hours running 6 threads on my MQ today. D its miner also reports khs, at start one box was ish the other ish, came home both at khs lol, restared, all good..

Can cgwatcher watch CPU coins? Stupid mtc miner thingie! Had to restart them today: I'll need some sort of remote using fixed ips and port forwards. Ssh to the dns ip, using a port for each rig. Or Teamviewer if you're on "Winblows": I use Teamviwer, works great from my College: I'm using teamviewer right now too I didn't bother jumping on the band wagon Did I really miss out?

MTC 5 coins in 24 hours for me. I also set some solo miners to see if I'd get lucky but no dice. The login is configured for an unsupported algorithm. Make sure you miner login details are correct and my. I find logmein to be better than teamviewer. Not only it isn't free, but it also behaves pretty much like malware http: My PTS trial went alright.

When Doge dies down, I'll have to rerun the numbers for PTS with the latest difficulty and exchange rates, and see which will work out better then.

I have a friend with two heavy hitting multi-GPU miners and a pretty smart approach Instead of mining wherever is most profitable currently, he sometimes does that, but often mines where its not profitable at all. He monitors cryptocurrency developments and puts the miners on select low hashrate cryptocurrencies, where mining rewards are huge with solo mining even but the coins are relatively worthless currently.

This gets him a ton of coins in a weeks worth of mining, because his share of the hashrate is very considerable Those coins may be worthless, but he does this often enough that he has a pretty sizeable stash in many different coins and he continues to build stashes of new coins.

Some day, if one or two of those coins actually gains real value - he'll be sitting on a huge stash before its already popular and mining is relatively slow. Basically, he's making the bet that by spending mining regularly on worthless coins that may be gain popularity in the distant future He could end up with a stash similar to the current situation of having 10's of thousands of BTC.

But if one of the coins he built a stash of shoots to popularity some day 5 years down the road, millions of dollars changes anybody's life. Kind of like the lottery, but with better odds of winning really IMO. Gonna sell it on craptsy. Should I consider cpu mining again?