Lost dogecoin wallet
If you have no idea at all of your password, and it was more than a handful of characters long, then it is unlikely that we can help you. No-one in the world, including the NSA, CIA, D-Wave or anyone else can crack the encryption used in the Bitcoin or Ethereum wallet if the password is more than 15 fairly random characters. The wallet encryption is strong by design. There are no known flaws in the implementations, and many people have tried to break them!
This service is designed right from the start to be a scalable solution - it runs on a cluster of high performance Linux boxes, hosted on the Amazon EC2 cloud. This enables us to scale up to nearly any number of computing cores.
We have tested this with up to 8-core computers, but more can be brought online if required. Some of the wallet encryption formats are suitable for solving on GPU video card hardware. In these instances, we have hand-crafted highly optimized GPU software to provide huge speed advantages. The algorithms used to generate the password permutations are proprietary, but are designed to be flexible in order to handle unusual requirements.
The encryption used by the Bitcoin-core wallets is much harder to break than most encryption schemes.
This is why an optimized, distributed, specialized program is required to attempt large numbers of brute force decryption attempts. We support hardware wallets such as Trezor and Ledger. We support brain wallets and BIP38 encoded wallets too. The full list is here. Should you trust us with your wallet? If you send us your wallet, and we decrypt the password, then it would be possible for us to steal the money that the wallet holds.
Fortunately, the design of the bitcoin-core wallet is such that you can send us just part of the wallet information. For instructions on how to export your keys, check this help page. Back to help contents Wallet backups What is a wallet backup?
Do I have to enable it? The backups are encrypted the same as the original wallet. What if my computer is stolen or turned into metal confetti? I want my dogecoin to be safe. What do you recommend? At the very least you should have the following in place: Encrypted wallets to prevent others from accessing the data A new wallet created in a directory that is regularly backed up SpiderOak, Dropbox, Carbonite, Time Machine etc A USB stick with additional copies of the private keys in case your machine is stolen and you forget your backup account password Each time a new receiving address is generated a new private key is made which must be backed up.
You must use encrypted wallets if you are storing them off your computer. So, how do I backup my keys? My wallet is encrypted but it's on my machine. How can I move it?
Please refer to the moving a wallet article.