Maker faire arduino robot code

In addition to Maker entries, this Maker Faire New York features 6 stages with over scheduled presentations and shows! Subscribe to Make Magazine Today! Get the Magazine Make: Welcome to the Make: You might also like these newsletters: Weekly Digest The best stuff each week from Make: Education How making is transforming learning Maker Maker faire arduino robot code The latest news about startups, products, incubators, and innovators. Thanks for signing up.

Please check your email to confirm. Learning in the Making: DIY websites, tinkering, and technical skills are not enough for learners to become creative Makers on their maker faire arduino robot code. The I3 learning approach of Imitation, Iteration, and Improvisation allows learners to develop their sensory experiences to improvise and create, integrating digital fabrication machines into their creative processes.

Innovation in the Maker Movement Grant Imahara Join Grant Imahara, celebrity engineer and spokesperson for Mouser Electronics, as he speaks about his projects before the Maker Movement began and how building today is much easier thanks to the Maker community. Join author Dave Zobel for a fun and explanatory conversation about the science behind the hit television show. Is the science real? Who decides on the topics?

And why does Sheldon think 73 is the best number? Lee Zlotoff, the creator of "MacGyver," has pioneered a simple yet powerful secret for tapping into your innate ability to solve problems — whether technical, creative, or personal — along with the science to prove that it works. Using your creativity and curiosity for the greater good Nicole Curtis Join TV rehabber Nicole Curtis to learn how to use your talents for good.

Vanessa will share her story of living a creative life and the power of making and traveling outside yourself to create maker faire arduino robot code work. This round-table discussion will introduce the Maker community to what DIY biology is, how it is maker faire arduino robot code today, and future horizons.

Our panelists have extensive experience in synthetic biology from the perspectives of academia, large industrial corporations, small startups, and the arts. Joris proves that Ultimaker's steep road to developing open, extendable hardware has been worth it. You might agree when you see what he's made with this machine.

It's easier than you think. It's time to announce the next steps in this additive construction competition. Stephen and Christopher Wolfram will code live in the Wolfram Language to turn your ideas into reality, whether to make an app, a 3D object, a science discovery, or something else. This year, in an attempt to expose these students to what the future of operations might look like, trainers integrated making into their field exercises. Surgical 3D Printing and Tissue Engineering Lee Maker faire arduino robot code Already used extensively within orthopedics, dentistry, and craniofacial reconstruction, 3D printing is revolutionizing medicine.

Learn about current medical uses for 3D printing and the potential of 3D bioprinting to fabricate grafts for airway reconstruction and windpipe replacement. Instilling a Maker Mindset on Campus: Maker Portfolios and Maker faire arduino robot code Admissions: How do they appear in maker faire arduino robot code college admissions process, and how can they make their technical creativity more legible?

The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Join Peter Hirshberg in conversation with Dale, Xanthe Matychak, and Leah Gilliam who will discuss state of the art initiatives, policies and recipes towards better a Maker habitat. Maker faire arduino robot code DuBois makes unique portraits of presidents, cities, himself and even Maker faire arduino robot code Spears using data and personality. He'll share several projects with us and talk about the connective tissues between engineering, technology, making and art.

A panel of engineers discusses why this is so important to fostering creativity within the edifice and how they do it. Will Smith Glowforge is a 3D laser printer that can bring ideas to life at the push of a button. Witness a professional artist design and print an entire creation on a Glowforge laser - live onstage - and learn how you can make beautiful things with a laser, too. Arduino Simon Monk Are you ready to experience the Internet of Maker faire arduino robot code and gain a better understanding of the world around you?

Then you're ready for Arduino. Learn what an Arduino is and see just how easy it is to start programming one. Engineering for Everyone Kathy Ceceri Learn engineering maker faire arduino robot code using the tools, materials, and skills you already have! We'll look at how to create custom Bluetooth Low Energy services using Arduino libraries. Jack Challoner, author of DK's new "Maker Lab," demonstrates his Density Tower project with the help of the maker faire arduino robot code and offers ideas for at home experimenting with real world applications.

Makerspaces in your school, community, garage and beyond Adam Kemp Learn how to convert your garage, library, or classroom into a Makerspace for your community with Make: Adam's "Makerspace Workbench" is the essential guide to getting your Makerspace up and running. Family Projects for Smart Objects John Keefe Learn to build smart objects that sense their environment and can share their findings! Getting Started with Processing. Learn how to facilitate beginning Maker activities at home, school, library — where ever you are!

Learn how Makers are helping the leading lighting brand innovate the next generation of connected home lighting. Hear from Makers and GE Lighting experts who are enabling lighting that listens and learns and unleashes a whole new world of opportunity for the smart home.

Justin will share insights on how to replicate this success across the U. Reality Rick Winscot Congratulations! You've got your first 3D printer. Get grounded in the peaks, troughs, slopes, and plateaus of the hype cycle! Sisyphus - getting it out there Bruce Shapiro Over 25 years, Bruce Shapiro has explored robotic technology to make art. From building CNC tools in-studio to make sculpture, his machines later "escaped" and became the artwork themselves.

His work is installed in science centers across the globe. His focus is now to bring it into your home. You'll learn about Circuit Playground, a microcontroller platform with built-in LEDs and sensor designed to teach physical computing and coding. Don't call it "IoT. We'll dig deep into the process of combustion to discover that fire is actually a verb not a noun. We'll find out what the molecules are doing with each other and where the light comes from. If you've ever stated at flames and wondered what's going on, this easy to understand presentation is for you!

The Annotated Build-It-Yourself Science Laboratory Windell Oskay Evil Mad Science Lab's Windell Oskay discusses his updated version of this classic s science book, having rescued with it a wealth of information, projects, and one-of-a-kind science fair resources. Come meet the makers who bring R2 and other Star Wars droids to life. Learn where to start and get your questions answered.

A fun and informative panel for all! Inspirational Stories from the Cutting Edge Jessica Parker Maker Ed hosts powerful stories by partners working in schools, libraries, museums, and organizations.

We'll celebrate the many forms and approaches to making in education. Join us, make connections, gain insights, and contribute to the discussion! Science of Sound--Fun tools to create young music makers Isaac Glendening Learn some ways to introduce kids and teens to music creation through hands-on programming using littleBits Korg Synth kits, iPads, and more.

Provoking Original Ideas from Student Makers Jim Tiffin Jr Maker faire arduino robot code maker-centered educator will share examples of methodologies that have helped students playfully explore new possibilities for materials and tools - approaches that can easily be duplicated in other classrooms. Take advantage of the maker faire arduino robot code your students have, and let them show you what can be done!

Eric Walters Every student at Marymount is a maker! It is fun, fast and easy. Encouraging creativity in the classroom and integrating STEAM project-based learning Carrie Anne Philbin Resolving complex challenges and creating practical solutions are key skills required in the 21st century. They offered workshops for over 3rd-8th graders to build these systems. In only a year, CYC fully reinvigorates the learning exchange!!!

This panel will be an opportunity for attendees to gain insight about how to bring their own makerspaces to life. The discussion will be moderated by Luminary Labs, who was contracted by the U. I will highlight past GSoC students and their projects.

I will review results from the 7 students this year. Makerspaces in Public High Schools Donna Mandosa PCHS has built one of the premeire public school maker faire arduino robot code in California by tackling the challenges of resource allocation, curriculum maker faire arduino robot code, and UC admission requirements. We are a makerspace with a mission: Creating an Accessible, Affordable Maker Ed Model for Schools Paul Reynolds Calling all maker ed advocates who are equally passionate about forging more affordable, equitable maker faire arduino robot code in the classroom.

Capturing Processes via Video Stephanie Chang Learn more about Maker Ed's Open Maker faire arduino robot code Project, and consider how portfolios can be created by students within educational environments. Some of our research work in classrooms involves designing and iterating on documentation practices that are engaging and easy, some of which we'll share here!

Make - Don't Take - Examinations: Evaluating Students on Knowledge They Construct Emily Silverman These assessments will be about how individuals connect to material, what matters to them, and what will continue to resonate. Maker faire arduino robot code ReMaking in the Liberal Arts Tradition Margot Vigeant Come meet student and faculty makers from Bucknell University as they show and tell how they've used making in- and out- of class to reach new heights in the liberal arts and sciences and engineering!

The LogoTurtle brings Logo programming to microcontrollers and 3D printed robots. Maker educators should lead such a movement. This session will explore the mutually supportive nature of making and computer science education, while cutting through the confusion associated with the hype. Science, Making, and Mentoring: Don't know how to do it? Our team of students, scientists, and engineers built a CubeSat to fly on board the Perlan II high altitude glider and will attempt to determine whether fungal spores can ride mountain waves into stratosphere