Makerbot replicator 2 extruder

We've just sent you an email to. Click the link to create a password, then come back here and sign in. Check that the material is not caught on anything at the back of the machine. Sometimes filament can jump off the spool and wrap around the spool holder. Also check the spool is not stuck and can rotate freely. Make sure you keep the filament tight on the spool as you do this so that it does not get tangled.

Is the build plate too close to the extruder? If they're too close together, there may not be room for the plastic to come out of the extruder.

This is a likely culprit if your extruder stops extruding during the first or second layer of a build. Is your extruder motor rotating? It is sometimes hard to see if it is rotating as it moves slowly so use a marker to makerbot replicator 2 extruder a line across the end of the motor shaft visible at the back of the motor.

When the extruder is running, you should be able to see the shaft turning. It may sometimes reverse direction in order to retract filament, but during extrusion it should be moving at a slow but constant rate. Makerbot replicator 2 extruder it does not turn, or stops makerbot replicator 2 extruder, please open a support ticket and we'll help you figure out what's going on.

You can see here how to upgrade firmware on your MakerBot. You will probably need to take the guide tube out of the extruder and push the filament down to get makerbot replicator 2 extruder extruding.

Once it is extruding leave it for a minute or so then stop the process. Now try your print again and see how you get on. If while you are loading the filament you notice it is difficult to load or you notice that the plastic curls upwards as it is extruded from the nozzle then you may have a partial blockage. You can see what to do for a blocked nozzle here. Another thing which can cause extrusion issues is the drive gear clogging with material.

You can see here how to clean your drive gear Is the fan on the front of the extruder facing the right direction. It should be blowing air over the heat sink and not out towards you. One way to check is to put you makerbot replicator 2 extruder close to the fan and see if you can fee air blowing onto your face.

If you can then it is the wrong makerbot replicator 2 extruder around. What settings are you using for your 0. When you print at 0. If you start having success you can try increasing makerbot replicator 2 extruder speed. New and returning users may sign in Sign in prestine.

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