Mineria bitcoin espana

En principio los BTC que tengas les da igual… lo que cuenta es lo que se incremente tu patrimonio en euros. Tu no tienes que demostrar nada… mineria bitcoin espana que te lo pidan demostrar si te auditan… mineria bitcoin espana lo que es recomendable guardar los wallets usados con dichas transacciones y resguardos de transferencias.

Es decir, se pierde todo lo que se tiene fuera y se le debe dinero adicional a Hacienda. Pues ya lo ha hecho. Tras presentarlo enHacienda le reclama Basicamente, mientras no cambies de bitcoin u otra cryptomoneda a fiat no tienes que declarar nada. Puedes hacerte con una tarjeta y hacer tus compras en cualquier establecimiento que use visa o mastercard. Por ejemplo en xapo. No es cierto, yo recibo mis bitcoins diariamente sin referir a nadie, por tanto ya no es lo mismo.

Hay un canal interesante de telegram, se resuelven dudas y la idea es crear un arbol entre todos los miembros. Right now the entire world is on fire about Crytpo and although this is nothing new for long time BitClub members we are now seeing an entirely different group of people coming into this ecosystem and BitClub is long overdue for some major upgrades.

During the last 3 months our sales went crazy as Bitcoin has gone mainstream around the world. We are formalizing many aspects of BitClub Network. This includes creating multiple entities around the world to operate legally and above board in our key markets. We will share these details with you mineria bitcoin espana January. Our website is old embarrassing old and the content is very outdated as well.

The good news is we just hired a really great in house team of designers who are already working mineria bitcoin espana redo the website, the videos, the members area, and create a new skin for our mobile apps. We know this stuff is long overdue and we are very excited about this new marketing team. BitClub and Mineria bitcoin espana apps. We have built the framework for a few different apps but we are going to be tying mineria bitcoin espana together and really focusing on mineria bitcoin espana our apps up to date and mineria bitcoin espana notch.

We have also hired dedicated guys to these projects and you will see a lot of emphasis moving toward using apps to access our products and services. Marketing, Training, News, and Events. Our plan for is to completely revamp our marketing and communication so that new members get a lot more value out of their membership. This includes new training, new ticketing system, new live support for big leaders, planned events around the world, and much more communication from the corporate side.

Mineria bitcoin espana Products and Services. We mineria bitcoin espana identified some new products and services that we plan to introduce in This will help add even more value to our membership while giving members additional options to earn volume. One of the key things will be our new debit card program that will allow you to hold cryptos including ClubCoin.

You can read more about this one in the CoinPay update below. We are working on many different strategies to protect BitClub. This includes leaving all unfriendly markets and focusing on blockchain and bitcoin friendly countries. You will likely see us pull out of more markets in and this includes the US. If you are in the United States mineria bitcoin espana will see a big crackdown coming as mineria bitcoin espana formalize and protect this company so just be aware of this.

We have warned on it many times. When we first started BitClub in we had no idea it would turn into this. Our vision was mineria bitcoin espana bring a small group of people together and pool our resources to purchase mining equipment and share in the profits.

It started working for us and then it caught on fast as more people wanted a piece of the Bitcoin we were mining. If you were lucky enough to join BitClub in the early days then you have seen an incredible return on your initial purchase from mining alone.

This is not from recruiting, or commissions, but from actual mining profits. Nobody else can claim this, all other mining pools mineria bitcoin espana pool fees, expenses, mineria bitcoin espana there are lot of costs associated with running a mineria bitcoin espana if real mining is actually being done.

We have found the perfect model and thanks to the rise mineria bitcoin espana Bitcoin and other Cryptos we have now seen thousands of people completely change their lives because of the BitClub opportunity. This volume has come from only a few Mineria bitcoin espana testers who fully integrated our platform into their own merchant systems and now that we have implemented it into BitClub we are confident it will be ready to roll out.

Each one of the Beta testers has integrated a seamless checkout and we have also just gone live on our own platform as well to stress test at the highest level. This is actually where the magic is because any business can easily follow the documentation to make it happen. Here is the Mineria bitcoin espana doc… https: The next step for CoinPay is introducing it through BitClub so all members can begin using it and selling it. When the platform launches it will be in 4 languages.

English, German, Korean, and Japanese. We are still waiting on ClubCoin to be listed on a few more exchanges before it can be implemented so you may see the platform initially launch with just BTC and BCH. With the BTC network very congested and hard to use for small items we envision Bitcoin Cash being the preferred method of payment because its fast, cheap, and just as easy to use as Bitcoin.

ClubCoin will come into play as well with an entire marketplace for customers to spend their ClubCoin at a discount through the platform itself. This is going to be a major focus in We see CoinPay and ClubCoin being a much bigger opportunity mineria bitcoin espana mining and we are finally putting ourselves in a position to handle the support needs this will create. With the size of our daily commission payouts and the many factors that go into making these payments in Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, and mineria bitcoin espana the other tokens we know there are some missing payments especially on Ethereum.

The Ethereum network handles payments a little differently by using a gas limit and no matter how high we set this limit we see payments fail or only send a portion of the amounts.

So what we decided to do was build a full audit script on all of the mineria bitcoin espana made and in and we plan to implement this over the next few weeks to payout any wrong commissions and potentially claw-back any commissions that were paid twice or too high. If you are waiting on a payment especially for Ethereum or Ethereum Classic please wait until the end of the year as we are running this process now and plan to close out with fully reconciled records.

Once these are ready we will post your total earnings for the year in a downloadable file so that you know exactly how mineria bitcoin espana you have earned for tax purposes. This was a much needed change because of all the mineria bitcoin espana of commission records these partial share repurchases were creating.

However, we are getting ready to make another small change that will allow you to earn repurchases faster if you are proactive. We have decided to support Bitcoin Gold. If you had Bitcoin sitting in your wallet at the time of this fork then you will get an equal amount of Bitcoin Gold that you can withdrawal. You can expect to see this wallet around the first week of January. Mineria bitcoin espana itself mineria bitcoin espana been forked dozens of times over the years and mostly it has gone unsupported.

However, this year because of the success of Bitcoin Cash and the scaling issues we are now seeing more and more teams come up with fork ideas that are getting attention. In the future, if you want to have access to any new forks make sure you withdrawal all of your Bitcoin out of BitClub and store them in a mineria bitcoin espana that will support the forked coin.

We will let you know in the future if we change our mind on any specific forks, but please assume we will NOT support all the planned forks. We had an incredible year and we are looking forward to doing big things in Adjunto imagen de mi robot con el dato de produccion mineria bitcoin espana de 0. Muchisimas gracias de antemano. Es algo normal, date cuenta que no ganas de forma lineal sino que a mayor numero de miembros mas hay que repartir.

Eso si, seguramente no tienen ni idea por lo que mejor enlazales a este foro y un par de links: Muy completa tu respuesta Luismuchas gracias. Y yo voy y me lo creo. Date una vuelta por google. Claro que le conocemos, parece que para los Bitclub boys RV es una referencia https: We will share these details with you in January New websites. One mineria bitcoin espana the key things will be our new debit card program that will allow you to hold cryptos including ClubCoin CoinPay Opportunity.

Why are we making all these big changes? MAJOR upgrades will be visible over the next 30, 60, and 90 days. More details coming soon on this! Payment Audits and Corrections With the size of mineria bitcoin espana daily commission payouts and the many factors that go into making these payments in Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, mineria bitcoin espana all the other tokens we know there are some missing payments especially on Ethereum.

Mineria bitcoin espana will let you know when this change goes live. Bitcoin Gold is probably the last fork we will support! We had an incredible year and we are looking forward to doing big things in Sincerely, -BitClub Support " www.