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In all, Samsung disclosed and patched 27 vulnerabilities, 21 identified as high severity. ACG, in conjunction with a preexisting mitigation technology called Code Integrity Guard CIG , put the brakes on unsigned and improperly signed code from loading in the Edge browser.

Google also acknowledges that since its initial report, some unspecified JIT server issues have been resolved by Microsoft. CFG is an optimized security feature designed to combat browser-based memory corruption vulnerabilities. However, should Microsoft be able to fix all the known weaknesses of CFG, including adding the return flow protection, the situation might change in the next couple of years. The malware is spread by means of spoofed web pages that mimic leading mobile providers.

The campaign is ongoing and our telemetry indicates that there have been several victims, all in Italy. We feel confident that the developer of Skygofree is an Italian IT company that works on surveillance solutions. Features include the ability to eavesdrop on conversations when the victim moves into a specific location; using Accessibility Services to capture WhatsApp messages and the ability to force an infected device to Wi-Fi networks controlled by the attackers.

The malware includes multiple exploits for root access and is capable of stealing pictures and videos, capturing call records, SMS, geo-location, calendar events and business-related data stored in the device's memory. The Skygofree implant puts itself in the list of 'protected apps', so that it doesn't get switched off when the screen is off this is to work around a battery-saving technique that has been implemented by one of the top device vendors.

The version we found was created at the start of In the meantime, the main module collects user passwords from the browser and Windows storage and crafts a new generation of the worm that contains old and freshly-collected compromised credentials. This new generation worm is pushed to accessible local network computers and starts using the PsExec tool, drawing on the stolen credentials and current user privileges. Once the wiper has run for 60 minutes it cleans Windows event logs, resets backups, deletes shadow copies from the file system, disables the recovery item in the Windows boot menu, disables all services on the system and reboots the computer.

Those files on the network shares that it was able to wipe within 60 minutes remain destroyed. The malware doesn't use any persistence and even contains protection against recurring reinfection. At one stage during our research, we discovered something that seemed to indicate that the Lazarus group was behind the attack.

We found a unique trace left by the attackers that exactly matched a previously known Lazarus malware component. However, the lack of obvious motive and inconsistencies with known Lazarus TTPs tactics, techniques and procedures that we found during our on-site investigation at a compromised facility in South Korea led us to look again at this artefact. So we concluded that the 'fingerprint' was a very sophisticated false flag, intentionally placed inside the malware in order to give threat hunters the impression that they had found a 'smoking gun' and diverting them from a more accurate attribution.

Given how politicised cyberspace has recently become, incorrect attribution could lead to severe consequences; and it's possible that threat actors might try to manipulate the opinion of the security community in order to influence the geo-political agenda.

Sofacy uses spear-phishing and watering-hole attacks to steal information, including account credentials, sensitive communications and documents.

Early in , the group's 'Dealer's Choice' campaign was used to target military and diplomatic organizations mainly in NATO countries and Ukraine. The group maintains a high level of operational security and focuses on making its malware hard to detect. In the case of groups such as Sofacy, once any signs of their activity have been found in a network, it's important to review logins and unusual administrator access on systems, thoroughly scan and sandbox incoming attachments, and maintain two-factor authentication for services such as e-mail and VPN access.

We have seen cases where Sofacy's Zebrocy malware has competed for access to victim's computers with the Russian-speaking Mosquito Turla clusters; and where its SPLM backdoor has competed with the traditional Turla and Chinese-speaking Danti attacks. The shared targets included government administration, technology, science and military-related organizations in or from Central Asia.

The connection was discovered after researchers detected the presence of Sofacy on a server that threat intelligence had previously identified as compromised by Grey Lambert malware. The server belongs to a Chinese conglomerate that designs and manufactures aerospace and air defense technologies. However, in this case the original SPLM delivery vector remains unknown. This raises a number of hypothetical possibilities, including the fact that Sofacy could be using a new and as yet undetected exploit or a new strain of its backdoor, or that Sofacy somehow managed to harness Grey Lambert's communication channels to download its malware.

It could even be a false flag, planted during the previous Lambert infection. We think that the most likely answer is that an unknown new PowerShell script or legitimate but vulnerable web app was exploited to load and execute the SPLM code. Many of the victims were attacked by means of compromised MikroTik routers. The exact method for compromising the routers is not clear, but the attackers have found a way to add a malicious DLL to the device.

This DLL is a downloader for other malicious files that are then stored on the router. When a system administrator logs in to configure the router, the router's management software downloads and runs a malicious module on the administrator's computer. Cahnadr, a kernel mode module, and GollumApp, a user mode module.

The two modules are connected and support each other in gathering information, persistence and data exfiltration. GollumApp is the most sophisticated of the modules: Cahnadr also known as NDriver contains low-level routines for network, IO operations and so on. Cahnadr, written in pure C language, provides full access to the hard drive and operating memory, notwithstanding device security restrictions, and carries out integrity control of various system components to avoid debugging and security detection.

These include encrypting all strings in its modules, calling system services directly in order to bypass security-product hooks, using a number of anti-debugging techniques and selecting which process to inject depending on the installed and running security solution processes. Dubbed 'Meltdown' and 'Spectre', they respectively allow an attacker to read memory from any process and from its own process.

The vulnerabilities have been around since at least These patches, designed to separate the user address space from the kernel address space, were originally intended to 'close all hardware side channels on kernel address information'. It was the impact of this seemingly drastic measure, with its clear performance impact, that had prompted the rumours.

This means that all the data residing in memory passwords, encryption keys, PINs, etc. So updates could only be installed if an anti-virus product had first set a specific registry key, to indicate that there were no compatibility problems. Also, Spectre is only able to read the memory space of the exploited process, and not that of any process. More importantly, aside from some counter-measures in some browsers, no universal solution is readily available for Spectre.

Spectre in particular opened new ways of exploitation that might affect different software in the months and years to come. Most of the released patches have reduced the attack surface, mitigating against known ways of exploiting them, but do not eradicate it completely. Since the problem is fundamental to the working of the vulnerable CPUs, it's likely that vendors will have to deal with new ways of exploiting the vulnerabilities for years to come.

This includes everyday household objects such as TVs, smart meters, thermostats, baby monitors and children's toys. But it also includes cars, medical devices, CCTV cameras and parking meters. We're even seeing the emergence of smart cities. Securing traditional computers is difficult. But things are more problematic with the Internet of Things, where lack of standardization leaves developers able to ignore security, or to consider it as an afterthought.

There are plenty of examples to illustrate this. A smart hub lets you control the operation of other smart devices in the home, receiving information and issuing commands. Smart hubs might be controlled through a touch screen, or through a mobile app or web interface. If it's vulnerable, it would potentially provide a single point of failure. While the smart hub our researchers investigated didn't contain significant vulnerabilities, there were logical mistakes that were enough to allow our researchers to obtain remote access.

Smart cameras are now part of everyday life. The camera is able to see in the dark, follow a moving object, stream footage to a smartphone or tablet and play back sound through a built-in speaker. If you do, check the functions available and disable any that you don't need, to reduce your attack surface. This device was directly connected to the Internet and was responsible for managing every component of the station, including fuel dispensers and payment terminals. He says problems on film can be good things -- since they promote more learning.

Theres going to be a lot of things that we dont like, Diaz said. But now you finally have something to fix. You make game corrections. Good football teams usually make a big jump from Week 1 to Week 2. The way to do that, he said, is to not overreact to how good a win looks on paper. Its imperative that we come back with a mentality that we have got to improve off this performance next week, Diaz said.

And if any further reminders are needed, their next opponent -- Florida Atlantic, which visits this Saturday -- gave Miami quite a few problems in the first half of their meeting on the Owls home field a year ago. Just because the first game ended up with that score, that cant help you relax, Miami receiver Braxton Berrios said. That should feed you. That should really drive you a little bit more.

Thats what we can do. Every day Im flooded with messages from Indians all over the world telling me they are supporting me.

Ravens stumbled to first losing season since coach John Harbaugh took over in Injuries began on first day of training camp, when top draft pick WR Breshad Perriman tore ligament in knee that sidelined him entire season. Eight starters ended up on injured reserve.

Most of all, Ravens need to be healthy. Flacco returns from knee injury that sidelined him over final six weeeks, and will be used sparingly in camp. Elsewhere, Ravens have several positions up for grabs. Mosley and Arthur Brown competing for playing time inside. Also, secondary has shortage of bodies. Ravens dont intend to endure rebuilding season. Harbaugh will take it easy on veterans coming back from injury, and newcomers have already gone through basics in minicamp.

Hope is additions outweigh losses and Baltimore will avoid rash of injuries that helped ruin Also on agenda is finding way to improve record in games decided by eight points or fewer.