More from cryptocurrency the flippening will ethereum market cap pass bitcoin

Also if you are interested in checking out the stats of the so called flippening, here is a good site to look at the straight up data. Bitcoin is much easier to explain. With BTC more recognized but large transaction fees and slow.

I currently live in Barcelona, Spain. Thanks for that flippening. The users decide the fees.

But the blocksize infighting etc. I see Bitcoin as the storage of value, and Ethereum as the vehicle for conducting business. You still need BTC to transfer into most everything, though! But the blocksize infighting etc. Most projects aren't live yet but once they actually go live we will start to see major issues with the fee structure of Ethereum imo.

For many, the market cap means nothing and they just see the low price and jump on board. But the blocksize infighting etc. I tend to watch the total market cap Once the market realizes that ETH has unlimited supply and soon similar scaling issues like BTC, then the real fun will start.

Each day, I seek out the beauty around me. Not to mention that they see the scaling issues and infighting in the bitcoin community and shy away. Many people have never even heard of Ethereum or even have a concept of what it is.

You still need BTC to transfer into most everything, though! Eth is the future and the "gas" for the cryptoworld. Take a break from bitcoin and watch my daughter Ayanna at this link.