Naruto shippuden episode obito died
Many screw-ups have been made when the chapter comes out in Jump that are later corrected by the time that the actual published volume has been released. I feel sorry for sasuke. He gave his life to save Choji so he could be able to report the attack to the Hokage. This is the naruto shippuden episode obito died episode of naruto and naruto shippuden that made me cry. Menma was so nice I cried so bad I bet Naruto still remembers him when he eats ramen.
Glad he got a second chance - pageg He dies tragic but then he gets revived YES! He was my favorite character and madara goes and stabs him. A series about the grayness of being a ninja and the struggle between being a person and acting as a tool is really the direction I wanted Naruto to go naruto shippuden episode obito died I don't think it's gone to today
I could still cry if made me watch that episode again Home News Briefs Current: I felt just as crushed as Nagato was when I found out he was dead. That is just impossible.
I want to thank sasuke and tobi for it thanks This bastard deserved his death. I kinda knew he died and then my dad told me that and it made me really sad V 2 Comments. I still think of him when I eat ramen Naruto shippuden episode obito died 2 Comments. Meaningless meme or a spiritual parable? He will be missed.
It is true she's the only one who ever cared for Naruto and I'm glad that the information is wrong cause I don't think Hinata ever died. Before he resigns to his fate, Obito a young version of him that is convinces Jin, who welcomes him to afterlife, that they take a "detour" that will allow him to lend a hand to Kakashi for the last time. I naruto shippuden episode obito died like he could've been more of a character, really liked his backstory.
He sacrificed everything for the Hidden Leaf Village and everyone judged him based on their asssumptions. Let's think about how sad a death can be; Rin committed suicide by Kakashi's hands, while Kakashi had swore to protect her, even it costs his life! I literally was ready to burst into tears, naruto shippuden episode obito died I'm so sensitive when it came to Jiraiya, Gaara, Asuma, and so much when it came to Itachi, Itachi and Jiraiya, my two favorites just die, if they died together, I would have been filling a pool of tears. He killed there pigs, and not in a way for them to be made into bacon! She must have gone through a naruto shippuden episode obito died as a child, as I don't think her parents were alive.
But then I came upon Nohara Rin. Why is this classified? Itachi, it seems in the end I was a decent human after all Damn people voted for death of characters who are not even dead yet! He was dead though and Kishimoto retconned things to have Madara heal him. I don't usually cry very hard though Naruto shippuden episode obito died did cry in pretty much every death scene but when it showed all the flashbacks with those two and when they died I could not stop sobbing.
The way he died, his grandma passing soon after. It breaks my heart just to hear about his grieve. Death of Kagero 3. She was always there to encourage Obito, even when he was being an idiot.
So naruto shippuden episode obito died he died he was my 1 in the entire series. The death of Neji was much sadder than Jiraiyas death V 67 Comments. Nagato might have killed many people, but in the end, he sacrificed himself to bring them back. This death was the most heartbreaking for me, Haku sacrificed his own life to save Zabusa, who had always used him as a tool, and even knowing that, Haku never stopped believing nor hesitated to leave Zabuza. It's was devastating to see him go.
His naruto shippuden episode obito died paved the way for so much, he died to stop internal conflict in the leaf to prevent another war from breaking out and he also died to someone who is supposed to be his ally and taking out his own eye to give to itachi is hard as hell to event think off. See a factual error in these listings? Naruto shippuden episode obito died you learned the real reason why he died. So sad just imagine his life up until then his dad tried to kill him 6 times his mom died and he never knew what it felt like to be loved and the whole village hated him he so sad. How was Konan not on the list until now?