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Elliptic curve cryptography ECC is one of the more promising technologies in this area. ECC-enabled TLS is faster and more scalable on our servers and provides the same or better security than the default cryptography in use on the web. In this blog post we will explore how one elliptic curve algorithm, the elliptic curve digital signature algorithm ECDSA , can be used to improve performance on the Internet.

When you visit a site that starts with https: The browser also validates that the site is who it claims to be using public key cryptography and a digital certificate. In public key cryptography each person has a pair of keys: These are typically numbers that are chosen to have a specific mathematical relationship.

In RSA, the public key is a large number that is a product of two primes, plus a smaller number. The private key is a related number. In ECC, the public key is an equation for an elliptic curve and a point that lies on that curve. The private key is a number. See our previous blog post on elliptic curve cryptography for more details. The private key can be used to create a digital signature for any piece of data using a digital signature algorithm.

This typically involves taking a cryptographic hash of the data and operating on it mathematically using the private key. Anyone with the public key can check that this signature was created using the private key and the appropriate signature validation algorithm. A digital signature is a powerful tool because it allows you to publicly vouch for any message. The certificate is digitally signed by a trusted certificate authority who validates the identity of the site owner.

Although ECDSA has not taken off on the web, it has become the digital signature scheme of choice for new cryptographic non-web applications.

As we described in a previous blog post , the security of a key depends on its size and its algorithm. Some algorithms are easier to break than others and require larger keys for the same level of security. Breaking an RSA key requires you to factor a large number.

We are pretty good at factoring large numbers and getting better all the time. The mathematical community has not made any major progress in improving algorithms to solve this problem since is was independently introduced by Koblitz and Miller in Smaller keys are better than larger keys for several reasons.

Smaller keys have faster algorithms for generating signatures because the math involves smaller numbers. Smaller public keys mean smaller certificates and less data to pass around to establish a TLS connection.

This means quicker connections and faster loading times on websites. Typical RSA keys in website certificates are bits. On our servers, using an ECDSA certificate reduces the cost of the private key operation by a factor of 9. You can now count https: I want to experiment for myself, so this post describes how to derive a public key from a private key with runnable code. Here are all the articles in the series:. The function assumes that the input private key is in hex, and returned public key is in hex as well.

Public keys can either be compressed or uncompressed , and the format of the output of priv2pub depends on the form input parameter, which can be one of three values. I used the following main function to test if priv2pub can compute the public key using the private key from the example:.

I generated a private key with bitaddress. The difference is an extra parameter and the representation of the public key output. The FFI requires a library file, so I compile the. The first argument to ffi-lib is the path of the library and the second argument specifies a list of acceptable version numbers.

Once we have a hook into the C library, we can create Racket wrappers for individual functions in the library.