Pool for dogecoin to usd

However, as a long time member of Reddit and Voat, I have been aware of them for years. I followed Jackson Palmer ummjackson before I joined Steemit and I am so happy that he joined our little community that:. In celebration I bought 1, Doge. That is a metric butt ton of Doge, right? Nice and good luck! You a crew member on a yacht? I worked for 3 days aboard one when I was in France in I'm one of the owners, so I'm in from the very beginning. We're telling our story here on Steemit piece by piece, if you're interested check out my blog.

France is awesome for sailing, it's true, we've spent about half-year in Brittany before sailed to pool for dogecoin to usd south. Hi there, I,m the pool for dogecoin to usd which zaebars got signed up to Steemit!! I bought my boat there in La Pool for dogecoin to usd I love France i lived there for twenty years!!

Why you think you should Win some "much awesome" Doge? I plan on giving it back the next contest and matching the amount I won. What you plan on doing with your prize, should you win?

I will purchase a matching amount of Doge won and give it back for next contest. How long you have been a Steemian! For a grand total of hours and 14 minutes or simply 14 days! What brought you to Steemit. The belief that god is a DJ Wll steemit is the new gateway to crypto for the masses. Why you think you should Win some "much pool for dogecoin to usd Doge! What you plan on doing with your prize, should you win!

I'm a firm believer that if you find money or win it, it should be spend, so depends on what prize i will win. I will spend it on something nice. Your Doge Coin Wallet Address! Pool for dogecoin to usd I am a nice guy and have an old boat with a bad engine!!

Well as i,m on Steem for the long haul i will Power up some pool for dogecoin to usd and become a nice Dolphine with a desire to bring little fish to others!! I joined on July 22nd. I don't feel like I really 'became a steemian' until you said hello in Steemit. Chat, and by hello I mean horribly offended me. D Then suddenly it felt like there were real people behind these posts instead of the bots that responded to my first few posts! The What would be a Who. He thought Steemit might be a place that would value my many interests and talents.

I took the plunge, because when you are looking at a future behind a desk at a job you hate and can't even pay the rent, you'll do just about anything to find meaning! I don't think Cryptocurrency would have interested me unless it had this human connection behind it. I like subjects with applications in our lives, be that when learning math or about biology. Without the humans behind Steemit, and their funny tales, and their sad stories, and their hopes and dreams, I don't think I'd be very interested in crypto.

I'd use it to give back to the community that has given me so much joy and meaning in my life the last three weeks.

It's an incredible gift more than any SBD! As of this moment, 22 days and swimming as hard as I can. My friend phoenixmaid introduced me to Steemit. I was very hesitant about even giving it a shot until I read the whitepapers.

Plus I love anything beta. That jury's out on that one. Maybe wiggle a little. I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do with doge.

Can I hug it, squeeze it and call it George? I peed a little reading this, got my vote Im not really into Doge but Im supporting this Contest. I voted some because their answer correspond to the question. But I did not vote onto some who did not answer properly the question number 2.

Clearly, the question is 'what' and not 'who'--The influence of a person is different from the choice you take on your own. Hopefully you hung onto a few more million DOGE for yourself. I have been a Steemian from birth, but have joined officially on August 9th The ideal of uncensored content creation on an immutable blockchain.

This would give more publicity to your blog venuspcs because I will celebrate you. Spreading the mighty upvotes to users with quality content who are slipping through the cracks. You can get one free at Bittrex A5: I have a website that I write my own articles on health and fitness so I read about Steemit and thought I could contribute pool for dogecoin to usd make a little money not yet.

I am fairly new to the crypto-currency world and read about how they helped the Jaimaican bobsled team and thought it could be a great way to start. If I win or not I am going to continue to read and learn and hopefully if I do win I can invest in steem dollars or get more doge!

This is my second full week on Steem and I'm loving this platform! If you're looking for someone committed to advancing this platform and cultivating an awesome community of content and curators, that's me. That's why I believe I should be considered for this reward. I would use the money to increase my Steem power and gain more traction on the platform. But, I would also use some to help me and my wife pool for dogecoin to usd two twin girls in Africa. They already feel like my own so we're starting the adoption process soon.

Tarpaulin for Steemit Promotion in our place and yes cats, I only have cats and I hope you 'Doge' can give a treat for my cats. Doge hasn't always been one if my first choicesusually I would choose bitcoin or litecointhen I realised that Doge should be in there too as so many people used it. I entered steemit 2 weeks ago 2-What brought you to Steemit. Honestly I need money,I have been looking about ways to make money online for one year till I found about cryptocurrency you can check my story here I have already post about it https: Dogecoin is one of my favorites coins I used to mine it using my old laptop but when it's broken down now i can't 4-What you plan on doing with your prize, should you win!

I am glad ummjackson has joined and I look forward to all of pool for dogecoin to usd posts. Well,i will probably save them and wait for the price of it to increase and then trade it for my currency and then buy steem power to controbute more to my community here at steem. I really hope ui win a prize,it would mean so much. A little joke for u all a naked women robs a bank. No pool for dogecoin to usd could remember her face. Atleast two months in here.

I see no specifical reason Well if I win I'll prolly pay some loans with pool for dogecoin to usd or get some green. Over 2 months now! I created my account June 6th, just one day before my birthday: Cryptocurrency brought me here, I am still here because much potential and such wow.

I found a currency I could actually explain to my friends, a currency that had an immediate real world use. I spend a lot of time every day on Steemit contributing to preventing abuse on the platform, encouraging an active and courteous community and promoting great content. Hodl until moons of neptune, duh! For almost 3 weeks now. I wasn't that active in terms of making new posts but I'm back again with more strength motivation than before.

Some friends told me about steem community. It caught pool for dogecoin to usd attention and I decided to become one of the Steemian.

Because I'm a professional Forex trader, and gonna start trading cryptos so its like a free deposit bonus. Hey there, well put my entry in, great contest man, hope i get lucky here as its high time i had a bit too right now!! How long you have been a Steemian? For About 3 months or so. My friend Seedtrue showed me it Why you think you should Win some "much awesome" Doge?

Use it towards paying off my debts and putting a down payment on my first house. Your Doge Coin Wallet Pool for dogecoin to usd I have long wanted to see what kind of platform, pool for dogecoin to usd did not have time.

Kraken: Support for Bitcoin Litecoin, Monero, Ethereum other popular altcoins. Let me know your name and how much you donated and a shout.

Investments can go up and down with cryptocurrencies being an especially volatile market.