Price chart of bitcoin 2015

A hot topic in the crypto world is that of Initial Coin Offerings. Like their real-world stock exchange ancestors — Initial Public Offerings — Initial Coin Offerings known shortly as ICOs give investors the chance to fund a new project for the first time. This means that ICOs can be used to fund anything from new cryptocurrencies where investors could be rewarded with already-mined coins to digital services where investors could be rewarded with subscription periods.

Ethereum was itself funded by a Bitcoin-based Initial Coin Offering, allowing the public to exchange their Bitcoins for Ether in the hopes that the project would succeed. Funnily enough, Ethereum is now an extremely popular platform for conducting ICOs, with many new cryptocurrencies and other digital services willing to receive funding in the form of Ether.

Coinschedule shows a number of current ICOs. To use Ethereum, you first need to have a Wallet from which you can conduct transactions. Wallets are pieces of software which can connect to the Ethereum platform, giving you an alphanumeric address through which you can receive Ether.

You can use this same wallet to send Ether. Acquiring cryptocurrencies can be a confusing topic, and Ethereum is no different. The key understanding when purchasing Ethereum is that there is no centralized agency for doing so. This means that you have to purchase Ethereum directly from others; whether you choose to do so with the help of a middleman is up to you.

The most straightforward way of buying Ethereum is doing it directly with someone who already owns Ethereum. The problem with doing this is that both parties have to trust eachother, which makes it tough for first-time buyers. Thankfully, there are plenty of established services whose primary aim is to sell cryptocurrencies, including Ether, for the fiat money of your choice.

Such services include Coinbase and Cex. One another way to acquire Ethereum is by exchanging it for other cryptocurrencies which you already own. This involves finding an online cryptocurrency exchange such as Poloniex or Shapeshift.

The sections above should have given you a working understanding of what Ethereum is, how it works, and what it can be used for. Ethereum, unlike cryptocurrencies, is an entire processing platform for running secure applications which just so happens to use the same blockchain technology.

A blockchain is a distributed database which keeps track of everything taking place on a network. Ether is generated whenever miners complete a new block. The supply of Ether is controlled only by how quickly these blocks can be mined.

Gas is a measurement of how much processing power is needed to secure a transaction or contract. The gas cost of any transaction is paid for with an Ether fee.

Not necessarily, but it can be. When a cryptocurrency is premined, it means that a certain number of coins are created and distributed at launch. Bitcoin issuance and transactions are carried out collectively by the Bitcoin network. Bitcoin relies on cryptography to secure and validate transactions, and is thus often referred to as a "cryptocurrency".

Bitcoins can be "mined" by users, and also transferred from user to user, directly via computer or smartphone without the need for any intermediary financial institution.

Bitcoin transactions are pseudonymous and decentralized. Proponents of Bitcoin argue that it is not susceptible to devaluation by inflation or seigniorage in the way other modern "fiat" currencies are. Nor is it associated with an arbitrary store of value such as gold, unlike hard-money or representative currencies. The Bitcoin protocol was first described by Satoshi Nakamoto a pseudonym in Each bitcoin is divided into million smaller units called satoshis.

MtGox was the largest Bitcoin exchange in the world, until February when the site shut down and trading was suspended. It was subsequently announced on Bitcoin news that over , Bitcoins had been stolen from customers of this exchange.

Quandl provides historical data for MtGox. Note that this data stopped updating on 25 Feb Quandl has daily prices for over crypto-currencies from Cryptocoin Charts. You can view all Quandl's cryptocurrency time series on our Cryptocoin Charts source page. Dogecoin data, from Dogecoin Average, is available from our Dogecoin Average source.

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