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For bosses you shoot all your arrows without charging into the boss as fast as possible, since the poison stacks viable with talents like, bosses death replenish ammo, ult replenish ammo The downsides are pretty clear. In what cases I should choose it over longbow?. But at current, neither of these things are true and the Hagbane is completely outclassed by the other two bows depending on what role you need to play on the team. The Longbow and Swiftbow comes back in here to sweep the Hagbane under the rug.
What are you proposing a player does to control the space, sit there and fire hagbane arrows at a choke point? And that engagement and situation leads to a lot of digression so…. So here is a good run-down on it: Rate of fire should be restored for a quicker reaction to being surrounded and saving teammates.
The downsides are pretty clear. For controlling an area…under what circumstances? So here is a good run-down on it:. With a hagbane you want to charge shoot into an incoming horde, so your poison DOT kills them when they arrive to your team, or at least weaken them. I stand by what I say:
There are 3 ways to bypass armor and apply the DoT:. Area control is typically measured against an incendiary bomb or, ideally, a canister of lamp oil. You can try everything I said in my post in an actual game and see for yourself. And only on waystalker which is not good on champ as handmaiden. AoE could be bigger.
Thats why it is considered a control bow. Longbows are too precise and slow, good for sniping and skewering but bad at everything else. Use waystalker class to maintain ammo. AoE damage was drastically overpowered in early beta, due to a stacking bug. The downsides are pretty clear.
What are you proposing a player does to control the space, sit there and fire hagbane arrows at a choke point? For bosses you shoot all your arrows without charging into the boss as fast as possible, since the poison stacks viable with talents like, bosses death replenish ammo, ult replenish ammo The downsides are pretty clear. He asked for tips and how it can be used. Try drinking a str pot and heavy attacking any boss and watch them melt. Useless until further notice.
It was tuned down a fair amount, but Hagbane had a bug where poison damage would proc additional poison DoTs. The ammo is absolutely a concern, especially on Handmaiden or Shade, and there are plenty of ways to go about handling that. Longbows are too precise and slow, good for sniping and skewering but bad at everything else.
The ammo is absolutely a concern, especially on Handmaiden or Shade, and there are plenty of ways to go about handling that. In what cases I should choose it over longbow?. The AOE definitely does not get bigger the more you charge it.
AoE could be bigger. Its primary uses would be: AoE damage was drastically overpowered in early beta, due to a stacking bug. Fire and forget on specials. Longbow and swiftbow can control hordes as good as a hagbane, needs OTHER positioning, not better not worse.