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Views Read Edit View history. This page was last modified on 19 April , at Content is available under Attribution-ShareAlike 3. The nutritional value of the nourishments we harvest for our drones can be increased through various enrichment techniques, enabling us to feed more drones with less food. Simply by studying the methods of others, we have learned new ways of adapting to alien environments. Adaptability adoption Hive Mind Devouring Swarm. We must build stable and lasting partnerships with our neighbors, based on trust and mutual respect.

Together we are far stronger than we could ever hope to be alone. Dietary Enrichment The Federation. By coming into contact with other species, we have learned how to add their strengths to our own. Adopt 5 Adaptability traditions. Diplomacy opens many doors through which information flows. It is easy to take our rich culture for granted. We should make it easier for visitors from other civilizations to share in its beauty.

Perhaps the most important purpose of any successful interstellar federation is the mutual defense of its members. We have an obligation to contribute as much as we can. Diversity is an incredible asset, and the insights and perspectives that every member state contributes to our federation will only make our society stronger. Adopt 5 Diplomacy traditions. A degree of flexibility is required when operating within the parameters of an unpredictable galaxy.

The delegation of additional category R-7 low priority functions to semi-autonomous agents will free up processing power for more important tasks. A deeper analysis into the myriad stimuli and psychological factors that govern the behavior of organics and other machine intelligences will decrease diplomatic friction.

We may not have been tempered by eons of evolution, but adaptive programming techniques will let us adjust to new situations and environments as well as any organic life form. Spatial phenomena are an interesting distraction, but the true wonders of the cosmos are found exclusively in the field of materials science.

The performance ceiling of individual proxy units can theoretically be raised through a complex series of optimizations and overclocking procedures. Adopt 5 Versatility traditions. For the first time in the history of our civilization, we live in an age where our reach extends beyond the confines of our homeworld. Our insatiable curiosity about the universe is what got us this far, and there is still so much left to discover.

The number of science and medical officers has been increased throughout the fleet, organized into a special Science Division. To support this corps of officers, new training programs have greatly accelerated the rate at which we commission new science officers.

A new age of exploration is upon us. As we once mapped the surface of our homeworld, we must now brave new terrain - space. There is a galaxy full of wonder waiting to be discovered. Science ships can assist research on colonies, increasing their research production. High-capacity quantum bands dedicated to databank transfers make possible virtually completely synchronous research operations across vast distances.

In this age of increasingly advanced technology, a basic education in polytechnics and applied science will benefit all of our citizens. This will inevitably lead to more qualified leaders. Gain 3 months' worth of unity when a new technology is researched. The public has come to regard science as something almost akin to a religion - their faith in it is absolute.

There is no question in this universe so big that it cannot be answered by science. Adopt 5 Discovery traditions. Demand Tribute Demand Vassalization. Our control over the colonies is dependent upon us finding capable and loyal individuals that can be trusted to enforce the will of the government.

Our subject empires gain towards Our Empire: It is our destiny to lord over those who are weaker. Obedient nations that swear fealty to our great empire may be permitted to exist Our obligation to protect our vassals from the dangers of the universe is one that we take very seriously.

Alas, seeing to the defense of their worlds doesn't come cheap Loyalty and service are all well and good, but as responsible overlords we must also take steps to introduce vassal empires to our culture. They will eventually come to thank us for it.

Colonial Viceroys Star Lords. It is a vassal's sworn duty to provide military support to their overlords. We will fill up the lower ranks of our fleet with recruits from those nations that have pledged to serve us. Adopt 5 Domination traditions.

Purity of mind and purpose is the only way to guard our species from the dangers of a hostile galaxy. Fanatic Purifiers Inward Perfection. Whether chosen by a higher power or simple genetic chance, our exceptional species is without compare. We are clearly destined for great things. Determined Exterminator Devouring Swarm. Optimized processing methods will increase yields when population units are harvested. Nothing must go to waste. Colonial Viceroys Determined Exterminator.

The chaotic era where organic empires dictated the course of galactic history is over. The Age of Machines has finally come. The Chosen Waste Processing. Land that is not being worked contributes nothing to our empire. Workers must be relocated in an efficient manner to those planets where they are needed most.

Unity is gained from eating alien pops no robots. Colonial Viceroys Devouring Swarm. All beings have their assigned station in the universe. Those who belong to a lesser species should take comfort in their servitude to their betters. A celebration of purity, perhaps of spirit, or of the body, or purpose - dependent on whatever goal we have in mind. We will never bow to those who are inferior. Let them hurl themselves against our unbreakable defenses!

A thousand years from now, they will just another footnote in the history of our ascension. Adopt 5 Purity traditions. We must spread our civilization to new systems and planets if we are to survive. As other empires emerge on the galactic scene, competition will be fierce. The faster we can establish new colonies, the better.

Colonization fever seems to have gripped the populace. Their enthusiasm and patriotic fervor grows for every new world claimed by our colonists. The frontiers of our star nation are being pushed ever forwards. Soon, nothing in this galaxy will lie beyond our grasp A new life awaits our citizens in the off-world colonies.

A chance to begin again in a golden land of opportunity and adventure! With the help of an aggressive marketing campaign, the less fortunate elements of our society will be flocking to our colony ships.

A network of small courier vessels is a reliable alternative for transporting VIPs or delivering messages that can't be trusted to FTL communications.

This will tie our far-flung colonies more closely together. Reach for the Stars. The banner of our great empire will one day be as common as hydrogen throughout the galaxy. Adopt 5 Expansion traditions. A true sense of kinship has developed between all the citizens of our great star nation, regardless of whether they make their home within the heart of our space or out on the wild frontier.

By embracing a combination of new meditation techniques and healthier eating habits, a large segment of our population enjoys a greater life expectancy than ever before.

Our entire population takes comfort in the knowledge that they are working together for the greater good, each one a small but important part of a vastly larger whole. Long the promise of a better world has driven our progress. Kinship Mind and Body. All organisms, no matter how perfect, must rely on an immune system to ward off the threat of outside disease.

Our society is no different. Adopt 5 Harmony traditions. Unity of mind begets unity of purpose. We must strive for synchronized action in all endeavours.

We have improved the ways in which our consciousness communicates with its drones, greatly increasing their efficiency. Synchronicity adoption Machine Intelligence. The fickle and chaotic individualism that permeates most organic societies can be made to work against them. By offering certain individuals temporary rewards in exchange for collaboration, they can be turned into intermediary agents or informants.

This makes it easier to control large organic populations. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not confli Organic Intermediaries Driven Assimilator. This facility amplifies the neural signals being transmitted between the cybernetic units under our control, increasing their productivity. Organic Intermediaries Hive Mind.

Organic Intermediaries Rogue Servitor. Continued monitoring of the sapient organics under our care has provided us with new insights into their physical and psychological needs. By construcing powerful processing hubs we can optimize the operational efficiency of our drones. Drone Network Mind and Body. Adopt 5 Synchronicity traditions. There is no better indicator of the success or failure of a star nation than the strength of its economy. Prosperity adoption Machine Intelligence.

As technology advances and becomes ever more complex, new demands are placed on our workforce. By using standardized construction templates, our workers can build things without necessarily having to understand the finer points. Adopt 5 Purity traditions. We must spread our civilization to new systems and planets if we are to survive. As other empires emerge on the galactic scene, competition will be fierce.

The faster we can establish new colonies, the better. Colonization fever seems to have gripped the populace. Their enthusiasm and patriotic fervor grows for every new world claimed by our colonists. The frontiers of our star nation are being pushed ever forwards. Soon, nothing in this galaxy will lie beyond our grasp A new life awaits our citizens in the off-world colonies. A chance to begin again in a golden land of opportunity and adventure!

With the help of an aggressive marketing campaign, the less fortunate elements of our society will be flocking to our colony ships. A network of small courier vessels is a reliable alternative for transporting VIPs or delivering messages that can't be trusted to FTL communications.

This will tie our far-flung colonies more closely together. Reach for the Stars. The banner of our great empire will one day be as common as hydrogen throughout the galaxy. Adopt 5 Expansion traditions. A true sense of kinship has developed between all the citizens of our great star nation, regardless of whether they make their home within the heart of our space or out on the wild frontier.

By embracing a combination of new meditation techniques and healthier eating habits, a large segment of our population enjoys a greater life expectancy than ever before. Our entire population takes comfort in the knowledge that they are working together for the greater good, each one a small but important part of a vastly larger whole. Long the promise of a better world has driven our progress. Kinship Mind and Body. All organisms, no matter how perfect, must rely on an immune system to ward off the threat of outside disease.

Our society is no different. Adopt 5 Harmony traditions. Unity of mind begets unity of purpose. We must strive for synchronized action in all endeavours. We have improved the ways in which our consciousness communicates with its drones, greatly increasing their efficiency.

Synchronicity adoption Machine Intelligence. The fickle and chaotic individualism that permeates most organic societies can be made to work against them. By offering certain individuals temporary rewards in exchange for collaboration, they can be turned into intermediary agents or informants.

This makes it easier to control large organic populations. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not confli Organic Intermediaries Driven Assimilator.

This facility amplifies the neural signals being transmitted between the cybernetic units under our control, increasing their productivity. Organic Intermediaries Hive Mind. Organic Intermediaries Rogue Servitor. Continued monitoring of the sapient organics under our care has provided us with new insights into their physical and psychological needs. By construcing powerful processing hubs we can optimize the operational efficiency of our drones.

Drone Network Mind and Body. Adopt 5 Synchronicity traditions. There is no better indicator of the success or failure of a star nation than the strength of its economy. Prosperity adoption Machine Intelligence. As technology advances and becomes ever more complex, new demands are placed on our workforce.

By using standardized construction templates, our workers can build things without necessarily having to understand the finer points. Prosperity adoption Gestalt Consciousness. There are powerful corporate entities willing to carry a large part of the cost of our colonization efforts, provided that we leave the vetting process of potential colonists to them. Prosperity adoption Hive Mind. Specialized Warrior Forms for our Drones will allow for more efficient deployment of ground forces against the enemies of the Hive.

As our empire continues to grow, eliminating corruption and inefficiency is of critical importance. These credit drains must be plugged! With ships often deployed across vast interstellar distances, a dedicated Logistics Corps is needed to make things run smoothly. The pursuit of profit has become a central tenet of our society. Those who are successful at any kind of enterprise are deeply admired, and the accumulation of energy credits is seen as an extremely worthwhile goal.

Adopt 5 Prosperity traditions. The ever-increasing scope of our ship-building programs has led to the creation of highly-skilled and efficient labor forces at our shipyards. Methods have continually been refined, and the time it takes to go from hull plating to a completed starship is now shorter than ever before. The ancient right of conquest is a universal truth that is no less relevant now than it was when our civilization established dominion over our homeworld.

Woe to the vanquished! Supremacy adoption Is Pacifist or Fanatic Pacifist. Those who wish for peace, must prepare for war. Our borders shall be a wall on which the fleets of would-be conquerors are broken. It is an unquestionable fact, that in the natural order of things, we are simply better than other species. We should ensure this truth is known to all, both so that our people may rejoice in their superiority and so that others can accept the fate we rightfully chose for them.

Discipline is at the core of any successful army. With selective breeding, rigorous drills and extensive combat conditioning we have created a force of ruthless warriors, working in absolute coherence with each other. They are the iron fist with which we will rule the galaxy. As we continue to expand, other empires will inevitably challenge our claims, as we would theirs. We are locked in a great game of resources and territory.

It is nothing less than our duty to come out on top. We stand above the fray of petty rivalries and political bickering. Let lesser empires speak what words they will, our purpose will not waver. Master Shipwrights Right of Conquest. A strong war game tradition has taken root among the senior officers of our fleets, whether the games be computer simulations or actual exercises in space.

This has encouraged our admirals to think outside the box, resulting in numerous tactical innovations and new strategies. War doctrine policies unlocked.

Adopt 5 Supremacy traditions. Consecrate Worlds planetary edict. Is Spiritualist or Fanatic spiritualist. The galaxy is home to many holy places, some more obvious than others. As mortals, we still struggle to divine the true nature of the universe. There will be no half-measures or compromises when implementing the edicts decided upon by our government. We go all the way, or not at all. As our civilization continues to grow, so its beating heart must also expand.

More systems will be placed under our direct control. Our place amongst the stars is assured and irrefutable, and the borders of our nation equally so. Although we mastered the nature of our homeworld long ago, the alien biomes we have since encountered present new challenges.

They too shall be overcome. Unlocks the Raiding bombardment stance. The notion of self-determination cannot be a moral absolute. Holistic goals clearly outweigh individual concerns. True unity is achieved only when the ultimate goals of a nation and its people are one and the same.

After all, a house divided against itself cannot stand. As we reach for ever greater heights, we must not leave behind those who have loyally served us. The glorious future of our empire was always meant to be a shared destiny. Technologies that would have been indistinguishable from magic mere generations ago are now within our reach. A new age of technology has begun. Our society must change its approach towards learning, and by doing so, our best and brightest will be able to reach a completely new level of achievements.

Can build Habitat stations. The void, once seen as a cold and insurmountable barrier, has become a second home to us. Permanent habitation in the depths of space is now eminently possible. Technology is simply not a way to solve a problem, but it is a language by which we ascend beyond the mundane.

Lesser minds simply fail to understand our advances. To leave our genetic destiny in the hands of nature is an inefficient and excruciatingly slow process. Why not jump-start the future of our species? Only a fraction of the potential contained within our minds has been unlocked. The latent psionic abilities of our species are only now beginning to manifest in certain individuals.

The limits and constraints imposed on us by our feeble organic bodies are simply unacceptable. To reach our full potential, we must turn to cybernetic implants. To display weakness is to invite attack. The price of invading our space must be so high that as few as possible are prepared to meet it. The fleet is the instrument by which the will of our empire is made manifest - we live or die depending on its strength. Machine World terraforming option. We shall shape our worlds into a mirror image of ourselves, replacing the fraility of biology with the immutable perfection of metal.

Building a Megastructure requires an unprecedented amount of resources and planning. We are breaking new ground in the field of macro-engineering.

Machine Intelligence Machine Template System. The age of organics has come and gone, the future of the galaxy belongs to the machines. This is the dawn of a synthetic age.