See bitcoin wallet balance

Accessing and opening the Ledger Bitcoin Chrome application. The Bitcoin Chrome application updates automatically.

Each time Ledger releases an update, it will be synced after a few see bitcoin wallet balance on your computer. If you want to force an update to the latest version, just restart Chrome. The Ledger Bitcoin Chrome application does not open. When you launch the Ledger Bitcoin Chrome application on your computer a message prompts: It means that you are required to connect your Ledger see bitcoin wallet balance to open the application.

The Ledger Bitcoin Chrome application see bitcoin wallet balance not synchronize balance, transaction history issues. When you launch the Bitcoin Chrome application and connect your Ledger device, your wallet synchronizes before opening. It can last from a few seconds to a few minutes. Your funds are safe. Check the status of your accounts on blockchains explorers.

The Ledger Bitcoin Chrome application settings. Interface language Select in the scroll menu the language in which you need to display your application. Region This parameter could see bitcoin wallet balance used to improve the translation of your page depending on the region where your language is spoken.

You can select here which category of fees you want to set by default when you send a transaction: This fees rate can also be manually edited in the "SEND" tab see bitcoin wallet balance time you make a transaction. You can select here the Blockchain explorer you want to track your transactions on the blockchain. Beta app to connect with Bitcoin for advanced users. Click and confirm to force your Ledger Wallet Bitcoin Chrome application to reload Blockchain information.

It can be useful for example if your wallet does't display your last operations, or display a wrong balance. This option allows you to set your Ledger Wallet as your default payment wallet. If this setting is ON green slideryour logs will be sent by default to the customer support when you send a message from the "HELP" tab of your application.

Set on green the diagnostic slider, click on export and save the file when you are asked to send your logs by the customer support. Without the device, the app won't launch. With Nano S and Blue, you also need to open the Bitcoin app on your device. If you do not know see bitcoin wallet balance branch to select, consult this article.

The blockchain will always provide the most accurate information. If you believe that your balances on the application are not correct, feel free to calculate your balance by plugging in your public addresses on a see bitcoin wallet balance explorer.

Please make sure you do not share your private keys with anyone, including Jaxx support team, as if someone gains access to them, they will also be able to manage your funds. Go to a block explorer such as https: Tally up the balance of each address then compare it to your Jaxx wallet balance. If your balance in the blockchain is not consistent with your balance in Jaxx, try the following:. Can I point my mining rigs to Jaxx? My balance is incorrect. How can I get the correct balance and what can See bitcoin wallet balance do?

Where are the Jaxx files stored on my desktop? Can I recover my wallet on my hard drive? How do I perform a cache reset? Vice versa Can I restore my wallet with a private key? I did a Dash transaction and now my Dash balance shows as 3e-8 or similar.

What is going on? Why isn't my address correct when I use a third party QR code scanner? See more The blockchain will always provide the most accurate information. Highlight the public address and then copy it to clipboard. You should then be able to see the balance for that address. If your balance in the blockchain see bitcoin wallet balance not consistent with your balance in Jaxx, try the following: