Thing o matic maker bot irc

You may have to modify the design, find a compatible belt, order from makerbot, or custom order the same one. Anonymous Jan 22, If you print this Thing and display it in public proudly give attribution by printing and displaying this tag. Want to start a business selling printed things that you've designed?

If I do make my own, is it possible to donate? Living in the future is awesome. We've also added full endstop support so that you never need to touch the XYZ axes ever again.

The new electronics have been designed to make the printing experience even easier than ever. Summary Fully Automatic With the automated build platform it will keep printing and printing. Great job on the new machine, it looks awesome.

Click the button below and you will be redirected to PayPal. Any thought about making these kits available again? Mecano Dec 14,

You are cool guys, they work great. Easier to Use Connect over USB and hit print - the machine will detect its position and start printing. Reversity - in reply to Matt Mar 2, Also look for a MK version on the acrylic of the extruder.

Anonymous Jan 22, Changing the filament is a breeze with the filament pressure thumb screw. I've searched extensively and was unable to find where to buy the exact belt. Mecano Dec 15, Thing o matic maker bot irc for the pully, if you find one with the same pitch, nearly the same width, and diameter, you shoud be good to go.