Withycombe rugby club exmouth market

All the children seemed really happy as they took part in withycombe rugby club exmouth market rotation of different activities: Primary Students Enjoy Activities at the College.

Thank you to all the organizers and helpers; we hope everyone enjoyed it as much as we did. A Level students presented a mini showcase of their work during the last week of the autumn term. There was a dynamic feeling about the withycombe rugby club exmouth market which also used the boxes as featured in the mannequin challenge earlier this term. Investor in Careers is a national quality of provision standard. Holders of this award are recognised as highly professional organisations who give expert advice regarding careers.

We are proud of our provision at the College and withycombe rugby club exmouth market are seeking to achieve full Investor in Careers status.

We are pleased to report that the College has started by achieving stage one of the award which is confirmation that we are providing a good service. The students found this tough competition even more challenging as Naomi attended despite fighting an illness. By lunchtime all of the students had worked well as a team to determine the vitamin C content of various foods by titration, and finished ahead of other schools despite a late start.

However, at this stage Naomi was too unwell to continue and the team battled on in the final quiz as a group of three.

In the final score, the team finished in the top third of schools from throughout the South West region, and both Mr Williamson and Miss Penzer were impressed with the mature and supportive manner that all of the students had throughout the competition. Thanks must also be extended to Amber Veacock who recently left Post 16 for her help in preparing the team for this competition in after schools sessions throughout November. The College Robot Club build robots and computer program their movements.

Students who do this have to be skilled in design, build and, very importantly, programming. The College has previously made the national finals but in recent years have missed a place by a whisker. However, on December 13 the boys made their way to Callington where they proceeded to book their place at the Loughborough final.

Impressive work from a great team who have put in many hours of their own time to prepare. Junior academy endurance coach Stuart Blunt said: Follow Will on Facebook.

Will with British Team: Celebrating the Achievement of Post 16 Students. The evening was an opportunity to recognise the achievements of students during the last academic year. It was good to see Year 13 students who left in July back to receive awards and recognition. The opening welcome address was given by Jill Elson, Chair of Governors. After a musical performance the awards were presented.

The evening concluded with guest speaker, Sergio White, who attended the College some years ago and has made his way in the armed forces. Jim Walker Prize for Contribution to Drama: Sir Peter Emery Cup: To see the full list of. The future chef competition is judged by professional chefs and is a competition to find the top chefs of the future. Abbie Evans and Jack Briggs impressed food experts in the autumn to book a place in the Devon final representing our area.

The Devon final was held at Petroc, Barnstable, this week and the great news is that Abbie won!!! The judges said Abbie had used well balanced, consistent ingredients that gave her dishes a depth withycombe rugby club exmouth market flavour that worked on many levels of taste. College students have a great record in this competition with Katie England reaching the national final and that is where Abbie is headed.

Congratulations to Abbie, and to Jack, for making the Devon final. The judges who selected Abbie as winner were: The day started with warm up withycombe rugby club exmouth market, the highlight was doing a personality trust and finding out what type of bird they were!

We had many wise owls and Peacocks and luckily not too many Seagulls! Students took part in many tasks that encompassed many business topics that they are familiar with including Recruitment and Marketing.

The day culminated in the students working in small teams to set up a business of their choice. They had to promote it using T Shirts, there were some interesting designs! A useful day giving students an insight into the day to day running of a business.

The Under 12 Girls Football team Yr 7 is a team to withycombe rugby club exmouth market Despite the conditions the team had a brilliant victory which withycombe rugby club exmouth market that they now go on to represent East Devon in the County Finals in Withycombe rugby club exmouth market. Mitchell is a former student who recently cycled through Europe.

Groups of students were treated to dramatic explanations of historical events important to their study of history. The visitors worked in costume and engaged the students in the activities. A brilliant way to make History live and to engage students with the subject matter. Students who read over a million words will also become Word Millionaires, with a special badge awarded to them in assembly by Mr Alexander.

We look forward to giving away lots of prizes, and really seeing those reading levels soar! In January Mr Alexander announced that he has decided to retire at the end of this academic year. Rhiannon Law Year 10 took part in the equestrian withycombe rugby club exmouth market event and managed a creditable 6th in her class despite tough conditions and a strong field of competitors from other schools.

Picture is of Rhiannon and her 15'2 horse, Legaf, tackling the course in fine style. Professional chef, Richard Hunt, gave a two hour demonstration to our Year 10 students on January Withycombe rugby club exmouth market included; jointing a chicken, filleting round and flat fish, different techniques for preparing vegetables and different methods of cooking. His demonstration was very informative and enjoyable, and included some audience participation.

This was a very valuable boost for the Food and Nutrition students and we thank Richard for doing such a fine job. Our under 19 boys and withycombe rugby club exmouth market teams were playing as well and both came 3rd in Devon. Twelfth Night Production makes Shakespeare Fun! Here was one of Shakespeare's plays made accessible for everyone but still retaining the use of Shakespearean language withycombe rugby club exmouth market all the joyful plot twists of the play.

Pictured above are the group who last week won the Year 8 Christmas Song competition. The group are taught music by Mr Turner and he was delighted that they had been successful with withycombe rugby club exmouth market Rock n Roll Christmas song.

The Under 18 cricket team, who recently won the Exeter and East Devon cricket competition. The squad included some excellent cricketers and players who were new to the game. The team were a pleasure to work with on the day. Well done to all!!! Students from the College took their musical talents to Amsterdam over the spring half term. It was very cold withycombe rugby club exmouth market that did not stop them having a great time and playing successful, well received concerts. It takes more than a bit of snow to stop an ECC musician getting to a gig!

The Devon finals were held at Paignton Community College with 10 teams represented in both ages groups. Our Under 14's finished fourth and our Withycombe rugby club exmouth market 16's came third, both teams should be proud of their achievements. The World Book Day competition challenged students to design, create and display their own world of stories.

Five year nine classes at the college took part in the competition. A world globe was created by the art technician Mark Prior and the librarian Louise Burrows which showed the seven continents. Mrs Burrows said, "We chose to be involved because we are always looking for new ideas to promote reading and literacy and this seemed like a fun thing to do to get the students talking about their favourite books and hopefully discovering some new ones along the way.

Their entry will be featured on the World Book Day website. His latest series of 21st Century Bodyguard novels were illustrated with real bodyguard training exercises using students from the audience. His other withycombe rugby club exmouth market successful Samurai series was illustrated using a Samurai sword. Students and Teachers were full of praise for Chris after his 45 minute presentations. He did one to a packed main hall for primary students and another show for College withycombe rugby club exmouth market as part of our World Book Day celebrations of literature.

Last week, an exciting new project was launched in the English Department to allow students to collect prizes for the books they read. The project, sponsored by Dominoes, Tesco and WPS Westward, allows students to collect the points they gain on Accelerated Reader when they pass a quiz, and exchange them for a range of prizes. Prizes include chocolate, stationery, skip-the-queue lunch passes and skip-a-homework passes.

Next year a group of Post 16 students will embark on a trip of a lifetime to Vietnam, one of the most interesting and beautiful far east countries. The students have started their fundraising activities and in withycombe rugby club exmouth market last week of the autumn term they ran a cake stall in the Post 16 common room. Withycombe rugby club exmouth market cakes were wonderful as can be seen from the photo. To find out more about Vietnam click here.

Main, Lime and coriander chicken Tikka curry with yoghurt and mint dip and home made naan bread. Throughout the day there was some excellent cricket played with the standard improving game by game.

In the Under 13 tournament the girls successfully won five matches which crowned them champions! The girls will now go on to the County Finals. In the Under 15 section the girls finished runners up to an excellent Sidmouth side but this means that they will also go to the County Finals.

Well done to both teams. The boys have played in victories over Bristol, Cornwall and Somerset with Owen and Jason scoring in the recent victory over Bristol. They have been part of a strong College team over the past few years and I have no doubt will go on to higher levels in rugby. The Year 10 Cadets have completed four months of their programme.

For the next five weeks they will be working at the fire station with the firemen learning new skills.