Xt bitcoin

It was proposed that the block size increase to eight megabytes, and from then onwards to automatically increase it exponentially, doubling every two years. The proposal did not gain the necessary support to go into effect on the Bitcoin network by early , the earliest possible switchover date. Its use has been in steady decline from March onwards. According bitcoin statistics website coin. The August release of XT received widespread media coverage.

The Guardian wrote that "bitcoin is facing civil war". In any event, the XT hard fork stalled. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved 20 August Retrieved 7 January Will it break, or be better than ever? Retrieved 5 January Additionally, XT has a useful feature: By running XT you help propagate information about double spends across the network, making it harder for payment fraudsters to steal from sellers by broadcasting two conflicting transactions simultaneously.

Get in touch via our chatroom on Gitter. What we stand for The XT mission statement defines what the project believes is important: Scaling the network up to handle user demand is important , even if that means the network changes along the way. It's what Satoshi wanted and the idea of a global system used by ordinary people is what motivated many of us to join him.

XT provides people with information they need , even if using it requires them to make risk based decisions. We believe unconfirmed transactions are important. Many merchants want or need to accept payments within seconds rather than minutes or hours. XT accepts this fact and does what it can to minimize the risk, then help sellers judge what remains.

It is committed to the first seen rule. We will not adopt changes that make unconfirmed transactions riskier. Lightweight wallets are important. Most users cannot or will not run a fully verifying node. Most of the world population does not even own a computer: These users must sacrifice some security in order to participate, so XT supports whatever technical tradeoffs wallet developers wish to explore.

Decision making is quick and clear. Decisions are made according to a leadership hierarchy. The XT software encodes decisions that follow the above principles: We do not consider writing principled software to be centralizing and do not refuse to select reasonable defaults.

The Bitcoin XT community is friendly, pragmatic, cares about app developers and considers the user experience in everything we do. We value professionalism in technical approach and communication. Block size hard fork Many years ago, a capacity limit was introduced into Bitcoin by Satoshi.