Bitcoin getwork response synonyms

Only top bitcoin getwork response synonyms, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible. Tag Info users hot new synonyms. Hot answers tagged bitcoin day week month year all. Get bitcoin historical data [closed]. Since there are no column headers in the CSVs, here's what they are: Lykegenes 1, 1 10 RegEx to match Bitcoin addresses? You can find a lot of historical data here: Sean 4 4. Byte array to Hex string conversion in javascript.

You are missing the padding in the hex conversion. Your expected output would be Bergi k 49 How do I make bitcoind listen on 0. The hash calculation is documented at Block hashing algorithm.

Start there for the relatively simple basics. The bitcoin getwork response synonyms data structures are documented in Protocol specification - Bitcoin Wiki. Note that bitcoin getwork response synonyms protocol definition and the definition of work more or less assumes that SHA hashes are bit little-endian values, rather than big-endian as What's the difference between distributed hashtable technology and the bitcoin blockchain?

The keys are distributed among nodes with a deterministic algorithm. Each node is responsible for a portion of the hash table. A routing algorithm allows to perform requests bitcoin getwork response synonyms the hash table without knowing every node of the network. How do I bitcoin getwork response synonyms a QR code for a Bitcoin address with amount? There bitcoin getwork response synonyms many ways you can generate a QR code!

IMO, the most trusted way to generate a QR code is through google! You can simply make an tag with this bitcoin getwork response synonyms You dont really need to worry about trust since these are Blockchain API to determine transaction confirmations. The concept of "confirmation" on Bitcoin essentially translates to how many blocks have been generated since the block containing transaction.

In other words, you'll have to issue another request to get the current network block count http: Tomer Gabel 3, 25 Canceling a Bitcoin transaction. Is it possible to cancel a Bitcoin transaction Yes, obviously it is possible. I'd propose you choose this method in your Bitcoin app by showing the user a confirmation screen for some seconds with information about the transaction and some buttons saying cancel and confirm.

Is there a way to send funds from a specific bitcoin address in a wallet? I'll answer my own question, It was unbelievably easy. Make a note of the 'txid', 'vout' and 'scriptPubKey' of each output you wish to bitcoin getwork response synonyms.

Use the 'createrawtransaction' command followed by a list of dictionaries containing the txid's and vout's How to create a genesis block of my altercoin? You must mine the genesis block.

There is no code in the most recent heads of the altcoin sources that can do the mining for you, although earlier releases of the source code would automatically create a new genesis block at that point, instead of failing the assertion.

That was taken out, since it's not needed and may in fact cause more headaches for the Brian Onn 9 Assuming what you're doing is based on this conversion: I'll describe what you can do in pseudo-code: First extract x, y from public key.

ChiaraHsieh 2, 16 FranciscoA 1 3. See foreign bitcoin transactions. You can view foreign transactions using bitcoind. The problems in your regex are: Trying to understand nbits value from stratum protocol. You are right, nbits is current network difficulty.

Difficulty encoding is throughly described here. Hexadecimal representation like 0x1b3cc consists of two parts: Why does this bash call from python not work?

Either use a sequence in arguments: PIPE or set the shell parameter to True: Moloch 1 3. Bitcoin transactions are instant - the confirmations aren't. It usually takes less than an hour for the first confirmation. This said, starbucks should wait for bitcoin getwork response synonyms Implementing Bitcoin and java. BT is reserved for Bhutan. However, ISO reserves several country codes for user definition. Parsing JSON data from a remote server. You will need to pass in a copy of the pointer.

The following change fixes it for me: Michael Hampton 6, 3 29 Well, reading the documentation once more I saw this: You may specify "all" as the currencyPair to receive your trade history for all markets.

Yuri Waki 1 9. How do I install Magento Bitcoin currency extension? Does the module show Accepting bitcoins payments on website, and providing automated bitcoin transfers between users with automatic transaction charge?

I'd recommend you to use https: Jorge Cevallos 2, 3 19 Are there any Bitcoin Payment solutions for Ruby? Have you looked at Github: Richard Bitcoin getwork response synonyms 9, 3 24 Bitstamp has live bitcoin data that are publicly available in JSON at this link. Do not try to access it more than times in ten minutes or else they'll block your IP plus, it's unnecessary anyway; read more here. The below is a C approach to getting live data: Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled.

Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Tagged Questions info newest frequent votes active unanswered. Refering to the getwork protocol used by bitcoind.

Learn more… Top users Synonyms. Bitcoin getwork response synonyms is the extraNonce? This question helps identify the various components of the getwork "data" field, but I'm curious where the extraNonce comes from. My hunch is it's the first four bytes of the second half of bitcoin getwork response synonyms data, ConstableJoe 2 5 In Getwork, how does one calculate the value of Hash1? I bitcoin getwork response synonyms the hash1 and midstate are eventually going to be deprecated, but I'm a little curious about them In Getwork there is a field hash1.

From a sample call to bitcoind I received its value as: What options are there to combine mining over multiple computers? Can I have them all checking into one bitcoin application over the network, or do I need to I am unable to figure the getwork api I called bitcoind getwork slightly earlier in the day and this is what I got: Enthusiast 1 5 Should I use getwork or getblocktemplate I am working on an fpga mining device just for fun.

I realized that there is a getblocktemplate function which replaces the getwork Json-rpc call. So do I need to switch over to it and change all the How do I keep my miners from doing duplicate work? Someone has n machines to mine for bitcoins. What's the simplest way to ensure that mining work isn't duplicated? Will separate machines naturally work on bitcoin getwork response synonyms hashes even bitcoin getwork response synonyms the same I'm not entirely sure whether to ask this question on Bitcoin-SE or Stack Overflow, but I decided to post it here due to the direct relevancy of the question to Bitcoin and the general prominence of BinaryMage 1, 9 The Bitcoin client protocol is well documented in the Bitcoin Wiki, but I can't find much on the protocol used by pools and miners.

Is it described anywhere? How does the rate of getwork requests correlate with the hashrate of a miner? In a setup where a standard bitcoind serves full difficulty targets to some mining nodes, how can I calculate the hashrate of a mining node from looking at the rate of getwork requests? Noah 7 Protocols for use between mining clients and mining pool servers Which protocols are there for mining clients to communicate with mining pool servers? How do they compare? Haribo 5, 10 31 What are midstate and hash1 used for in mining?

The first answer here does a good job explaining how the SHA function requires more than one input an initial one is specified by to the SHA specs. As far as I understand it, the "midstate" In a getwork request, bitcoind sends a target corresponding to the current block's bits value.

Do the major pools send the same target as one would expect from bitcoind, difficulty bitcoin getwork response synonyms "1" target, or What does nonce mean? I'm trying to learn how litecoins work and learn new programming language at same time by writing a crappy little miner.

I'm stuck with getdata. Stack Overflow for Teams is Now Available. Bitcoin Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled.