Bitcoin plus doesn workaholics

The community have found a legal way to effectively create new currency out of thin air and then sell it straightaway for BTC or USD. The Bitcoin brand and public perception has taken a dent with these forks and it has way too many problems, even if they do figure out the scaling problem. But the biggie for me is that Bitcoin is one of the most wasteful things on the planet.

Even though Bitcoin is virtual and is nowhere and everywhere, bitcoin plus doesn workaholics has very serious consequences to the planet in the form of energy consumption. Yup, you may want to pick your jaw up off the floor and read that again! It uses SO much energy that it consumes more energy per year than the whole of Nigeria! A little piece of my soul dies every time I press send and ping some Bitcoin around the net.

Ultimately, this is all unsustainable, unless Solar technology rapidly advances or the Bitcoin network changes.

This is why I think that just like in the Tech Bubble we had powerhouses like Altavista, Netscape and AOL which subsequently popped and disappeared after the bubble, Bitcoin may do the same when this bubble eventually implodes. And really, for a true Crypto to rule supreme it needs to be infinitely scalable and Earth-friendly! BTC should be like Digital Gold. Gold in the real world is finite, clunky, a pain in the ass to store and very illiquid.

BTC can easily be all of these things. In fact it already is this! You see, in Currency Trading, you can never trade just one currency. You have to trade it against something else.

It may be going up again the Pound, but it may be falling against bitcoin plus doesn workaholics Euro. Bitcoin plus doesn workaholics, I know you can buy a few coins with Ether, but the selection is limited. In order to do anything, you need BTC. Then go shopping with your BTC. Then when you want to realise some of your profits from the Altcoins, you have to convert back to BTC to then bitcoin plus doesn workaholics back to Fiat.

As I said, until all the exchanges suddenly agree at the same time that a new Crypto is the new quote currency, BTC will continue to reign supreme. Also the reason why all exchanges need to agree at the same time is for commercial reasons. Crypto exchanges make their money from those small transaction fees they take on every transaction. Therefore volume is everything for them. Hope this has helped.

There's plenty more where this came from. Aiming to release bitcoin plus doesn workaholics book before Bitcoin plus doesn workaholics