Bitcoin price forecast 2020iota sell off

We All want Zero transaction fees and much faster transfers done than with bitcoin. Best of luck talk to you later maybe, have a good day. The price is unpredictable however. I bet on the much higher price however. New, revolutionary technology 2. Given the rapid growth ETH while still utilising blockchain technology I don't believe it is to much to suggest IOTA will generate a significant demand given the revised platform. If China get behind IOTA everyone will be well remunerated, at present Microsoft have a keen interest, Jamie Burke and so does Bitfinex among many other reputable investors, these alone will help drive the popularity forward.

The current price of BTC is extremely high, but for good reasons, BTC was never intended the way its "used" for, fast transitions are just not possible, so IOTA will most certainly have a head start in the trading world..

IOTA will be No2 on the trading markets by close of IOTA still not know for the most of the user of other cryptocurrencies, when people start to see all the benefits that this technology brings, they will start to sell their cryptocoins for IOTA this happened to me we also have an important role in terms of the market price for IOTA, we can PROMOTE online the benefits of it for example on Youtube The second thing that will contribute for the jump of IOTA will be when the technology start to be implemented as a way of payment by machines as they advert on iota.

Let imagine that on car manufacturer implements a way o payment on a car computer to accept IOTA as a way of payment for example for car parking, this only example would make the coin jump to the sky in my opinion above bitcoin price.

However, it will have a hard long time reaching a price of even to dollars. The price is always a result of market cap divided by number of coins. That will take more than half a year. Maybe even more than a decade.

Furthermore, there's probably gonna come some new competitive technology along the way. Still very good, and still requires a significant market cap, because there's so much more units than for instance Bitcoin's 21 million. And I quote you:.

So, with all respect; whether you think Bitcoin will explode into the hundreds of thousands of dollars per Bitcoin within the next five years, or whether IOTA will take over in terms of price, your statement is self-contradictory, cause if you think Bitcoin will be that big in five years, you can't have much faith in IOTA. An advantage of treating IOTA units as whole numbers is to avoid decimal rounding issues, which can lead to floating-point errors in improperly designed software.

I agree with mygestic and just in my opinion all the blockchainbased coins bcb-coins are barrel burst because of the limited transactions per second and the fees and centraliezed mining valuation which is not democratic at all. It might be a different coin and way better than Bitcoin, which I think it is, but no matter what, it still follows the rule of supply and demand according to the units it's traded in. It all depends on the demand stemming from real life use cases, and the "success" of the Tangle tech itself.

It might go really high, or it might just crash as something better sees the light. First of all somebody founders? I really can't come with any predictions as I'm an amateur. But I do to believe this technology has the potential to become integrated in the real world more than Bitcoin is today. I am also like yourself wanting to Invest over the next few Years. We All want Zero transaction fees and much faster transfers done than with bitcoin. Best of luck talk to you later maybe, have a good day.

The price is unpredictable however. I bet on the much higher price however. New, revolutionary technology 2. Given the rapid growth ETH while still utilising blockchain technology I don't believe it is to much to suggest IOTA will generate a significant demand given the revised platform. If China get behind IOTA everyone will be well remunerated, at present Microsoft have a keen interest, Jamie Burke and so does Bitfinex among many other reputable investors, these alone will help drive the popularity forward.

The current price of BTC is extremely high, but for good reasons, BTC was never intended the way its "used" for, fast transitions are just not possible, so IOTA will most certainly have a head start in the trading world.. IOTA will be No2 on the trading markets by close of IOTA still not know for the most of the user of other cryptocurrencies, when people start to see all the benefits that this technology brings, they will start to sell their cryptocoins for IOTA this happened to me we also have an important role in terms of the market price for IOTA, we can PROMOTE online the benefits of it for example on Youtube The second thing that will contribute for the jump of IOTA will be when the technology start to be implemented as a way of payment by machines as they advert on iota.

Let imagine that on car manufacturer implements a way o payment on a car computer to accept IOTA as a way of payment for example for car parking, this only example would make the coin jump to the sky in my opinion above bitcoin price.

However, it will have a hard long time reaching a price of even to dollars. The price is always a result of market cap divided by number of coins. That will take more than half a year. Maybe even more than a decade. Furthermore, there's probably gonna come some new competitive technology along the way. Still very good, and still requires a significant market cap, because there's so much more units than for instance Bitcoin's 21 million. And I quote you:.

So, with all respect; whether you think Bitcoin will explode into the hundreds of thousands of dollars per Bitcoin within the next five years, or whether IOTA will take over in terms of price, your statement is self-contradictory, cause if you think Bitcoin will be that big in five years, you can't have much faith in IOTA. An advantage of treating IOTA units as whole numbers is to avoid decimal rounding issues, which can lead to floating-point errors in improperly designed software.

I agree with mygestic and just in my opinion all the blockchainbased coins bcb-coins are barrel burst because of the limited transactions per second and the fees and centraliezed mining valuation which is not democratic at all. It might be a different coin and way better than Bitcoin, which I think it is, but no matter what, it still follows the rule of supply and demand according to the units it's traded in.