Buy bitcoin on luno for free

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Luno has Given me Free Bitcoin Cash. Luno has given me free bitcoin cash. I repeat luno has given me free bitcoin cash. As Bitcoin becomes more popular, the number of transactions have been increasing rapidly. While the resources needed to process transactions a couple of years ago was minimal, it is now a lot more significant. Often there are more transactions being created than the network is able to process.

Miners generally select transactions for the block they are mining based on the fee associated with each transaction, so a higher fee results in a better chance of the transaction being included in the next block. Sending to a digital currency address is costly due to the blockchain mining fee, and can take time if the network is congested.

If you send it to someone who is already a Luno customer they will get the Bitcoin instantly. If they do not accept your invitation to receive Bitcoin within 14 days, the Bitcoin will appear back in your wallet. You can also cancel the transaction if the recipient has not redeemed it yet. Enter your PIN or two-factor authentication code if necessary, depending on your device and settings , then confirm.

How do I send Bitcoin or Ethereum using my Luno wallet? What does it cost to use Luno? Does Luno charge any fees? How long does it take to send Bitcoin or Ethereum? How do I receive Bitcoin or Ethereum?