Death cross truth for bitcoin

The day moving average is heading precipitously lower to cross the day moving average, which would trigger a so-called 'death cross' I would be long bitcoin death cross truth for bitcoin neutral to skeptical of just about everything else at this point, with a few possible exceptions.

The question with something like bitcoin is whether it can become a store of value. And the thing it would replace is something like gold. The analogy is it's like bars of gold in a vault that never move and you get it and it's a hedge of sorts against the whole world falling apart.

Lots of wash trading and spoofing going on this morning. Good point about the death cross--those manipulating the market don't want that to happen, it seems.

Still more coins to unload on the rubes. In reply to Lots of wash trading and… by tmosley. I think BTC got a bit too big a bit too soon for its own good.

It'll grow out of it. Shit, the way it's dropping, might be worth buying an ASIC. In reply to Be interesting to see what… by Bay of Pigs. In reply to I think BTC got a bit too… by pods. In reply to All of the jealous, loser,… by Coinista.

Holy shit, you must not have been reading any of the crypto threads back in January. Some clown with the Twitter handle "Bitfinex'ed" has been spreading massive FUD for months about tethers being a "scam". Except none of that ever happened, and now Bitfinex'ed himself is starting to look like he's the actual pump 'n dump scam artist--or more likely, part of a coordinated Wall Street effort to do a controlled burn in order to reap the downside profits for themselves.

Bitcoin was way overbought and due for a correction anyways, it was just a question of who was going to be the one who organized the bag for the suckers to sell their coins into or more likely, buy their futures shorts back from. Bitfinex'ed appears to be the propaganda front for that little cabal. In reply to Any thought on this? In reply to Holy shit, you must not have… by Buckaroo Banzai. Did you know there were sites called 'bitcoin faucets' in the early days that gave away full bitcoins for just showing up at the site?

Ah I see you are an imbecile old fart that can never grasp the beneficial technology of cryptos that will change the world. And that you are jealous of financial wizards like coinista. I rarely use the sarc or snark tag. God damn I love crytpo. It went up dollars. Fucking A John Tweedy.

I have now offset my losses from to As I said before "old fart", cryptos are the new world order. Just ask the spoofers and the wash traders. They will tell u the truth. In reply to That's the kind of nuanced… by Bring the Gold. Look up Gartner hype cycles. You need to be quick and have cheap source of power if you seriously want to enter the mining game, next halving coming soon. Today breakout is probably driven by the Lightning network official beta launch yesterday.

In reply to No so death cross truth for bitcoin by whatswhat1 yahoo. I have death cross truth for bitcoin S9, it's better to just invest than to mine. THe nice thing death cross truth for bitcoin mining is, its a good way to lock in a small income stream. Kind of like putting your money in a savings account, back when a savings account actually paid you a real return.

It was only a decade ago. In reply to I have an S9, it's better to… by natronic. Are all the users of bitcoin going to bid up transactions fees to make up for the block reward loss? I wouldn't bet that for falling out of a boat and hitting water. Nothings worth that risk. One death cross truth for bitcoin the Winklevoss bro's have to admit it was all a scam.

That day I will pop open my bottle of port In reply to One day the Winklevoss bro's… by plexodus. It will hit 50k and beyond, Etherium for show or better too! So have all the people saying "it's just the Chinese New Year, price always goes down around this time and jumps right back up ". Tmosley - your points are well made.

I don't pretend to know the crypto market but death cross truth for bitcoin it has its place. After watching this however, I was stunned. It gives new perspective on the guys who talk like they are luminaries for investing in bitcoin, when in reality especially short term, they are riding a tornado, and think that they are somehow prescient for it.

Again clearly it has promise, but to say it isn't at least partially a ponzi casino is just a lie. Here's another perspective for ya Mosley used to be one of those "luminaries for investing in bitcoin" and silver, and bcash and iota, etc. He changes his fucking mind everytime he reads reddit: In reply to Tmosley - your points are… by Canadian Dirtlump.

In reply to Here's another perspective… by Spaced Out. Watching old and young people doing vlogs in their cars death cross truth for bitcoin they now live because they lost everything on bit-gonch is tough, meanwhile the sanctimonious cock sniffers are out clapping their hands at everyone who says no thanks.

I'm happy to buy silver at these prices over getting lectured by some millenial about getting a daily pay out from my blockchain savings account where a bot trades all day to make me money. They are mentioned in every holy death cross truth for bitcoin as the ONLY money. They are universally accepted by farmers to CEO's. The comparison has always been ridiculous. Also the quantum issue with Shor's algorithm is quite real. Its been going up for YEARS, and when we told you -- and I've been here for years, you all took a death cross truth for bitcoin 'ol shit on it and waved it off.

How many people bought the high in your favorite dogshit stock? Markets exist with people taking both sides, any fucking financial n00b knows that. Bitcoin has death cross truth for bitcoin this dance, many times, and you're still the fossilized loser that can't wrap their ossifying grey matter around it. You're just mentally unprepared to handle this shit, and its blatantly obvious you're floundering without a fucking clue.

Move over grandpa, your left blinker has been going for miles and we're trying to get around your stupid ass. How's that shitfork doing for you? Death cross truth for bitcoin, and IOTA, the useless-for-internet-things coin is languishing like a turd, too. Just wait until the IRS cracks down on Bitcoin tax cheats. The price will plummet. Don't be mad bro.

Once your wife gets tired of riding around in Fonestar's lambo she'll come home. In reply to Just wait until the IRS… by lester1. In reply to Don't be mad bro. Once your… by pods. In reply to My wife loves the gold bars… by lester1. I don't think your wife is laughing at BTC. I think it's because you left your fly unzipped. I think his point is if something like a capital gains tax is imposed nobody will buy stawks anymore. In reply to If everyone is losing all… by DillyDilly.

In reply to Shut up, jealous, loser, old… by Coinista. Sort by Relevance Newest Death cross truth for bitcoin. With a 'death cross' looming in the cryptocurrency This follows comments last night by Peter Thiel who compared Bitcoin to gold Comments Sort by Thread Date. Items per page 50 75 It did become a great speculative play aka gambling.

You get it now "old fart", cryptos are the new world order. I have some coin. I look at it in terms of utility. STFU This article is funny. So some one decides to set the trading range.