Dna bits blockchain
Being able to convert your own DNA to the blockchain and its already reality! And I found an article about Genecoin and I must share it! The developers of the mysterious project have proposed storing DNA on the blockchain.
Storing DNA with Bitcoin sounds especially odd to people who aren't familiar with Bitcoin's interesting storage capabilities, and it has generated flush press for that reason. They're opening the idea, to gauge market interest before they move forward with the project. The developers told CoinTelegraph in an email:.
Genecoin sends over a kit to sample your DNA, they have the genome in question sequenced, and then store it on the blockchain. It's an expensive process. But if sequencing the genome is within your budget, then storing the genome on the blockchain should be within reach, they said. We are just made of code ourselves!
Living Breathing walking programs! WOW We really are just programs made of cells and proteins like nano machines all working together to let us experience life here on earth! WOW will the blockchain revolutionize biological life?!? Reminds me of www. That website needs Genecoin integration! The developers compared their crawlers to birds distributing plant genetic material to disbursed, faraway lands. There will be a huge boom in Crispr based gene editing maybe we can make a new DNA based blockchain, i know they can write information to DNA for long term data storage in living organisms Use Enzymes to "mine" inside cells and complete math problems for biological crypto currency?
Now I already know about folding at home, the distributed computing project that lets millions of connected computers to run a small program and fold "proteins" or basically run complex equations to better understand the human genome! And now we have this Folding at Home technology part of the blockchain with foldingCoin, CureCoin and GridCOin 3 different cryptocurrencies that use part of their mining power to donmate to needy sicnetific causes that need computing power from gene protein folding to seti home scanning of the stars But the sci-fi craziness doesn't end there.
We've had that chat. In a biotech sci-fi future, you can start to imagine growing blockchain creatures. And here is some more very interesting information about Genecoin from another great article from Bitcoinmagazine by ChrisDeRose on Nov 10, "Despite its name, Genecoin is not a crypto currency or a counterparty asset. The members of Genecoin are offering a simple proposition to the Bitcoin universe: Genecoin is still in its earliest stages of existence, and is not bashful about letting its audience know that the company is just in its beginning stages.
For potential customers, the Genecoin process will start by connecting a client with a gene sequencing lab. This lab will send a saliva collection kit via the US mail, along with instructions to the user on how to collect their saliva using the provided hardware. Once collected, the user sends the sample back to the lab, via the postal service, where the sample is processed and sequenced.
After sequencing, the results will be sent to Genecoin, where they are then to be persisted onto the Bitcoin Blockchain. Amongst the many technical challenges that Genecoin is openly addressing is just how to store this DNA data using Bitcoin.
Such an encoding would require off-chain data be used for reference, and Genecoin is exploring various ways of referencing this data in a decentralized capacity.
Options for latter decryption would include time-lock, and oracle-based decryption schemes. So, why would anyone want to encode their DNA on the Blockchain? Like much in the crypto space, some projects are a solution in search of a problem. Finally, we store this genome in the Bitcoin blockchain.
Bitcoin is really a networked ledger - a way to permanently store information on thousands of computers around the world. Every computer that mines for Bitcoins stores this ledger, which makes it an extremely robust way to backup data. We have a number of strategies for encoding your genome data as Bitcoin transactions. It can be, yes. We offer various levels of service. A human genome can contain up to 3gb of data if encoded inefficiently. We also offer various levels of sequencing depth depending on the interest of our users.
You'll likely want your genome encrypted before uploading it into the Bitcoin network. Your identity and data can remain as private as you want. We don't even have to see it - you can encrypt it on your own computer, send us that data, and then we do all the hard work of uploading it into the Bitcoin network.
How do I retrieve and decrypt my genome after it gets stored in the Bitcoin network? At launch, we'll provide you with software that can extract and decrypt your genome from the blockchain.
We're also working to provide a number of exciting alternative strategies. At the moment, no. Genecoin uses the Bitcoin protocol as an abstracton layer. It is similar to Counterparty, Mastercoin, Bitshares. We're developing decentralized blockchain crawlers DBC. They're programmed to search and discover new blockchain technology and embed your genetic material wherever possible.
Think of them as your robot friends that encode your genetic material on new networks as they develop. Similar to the way that Google discovers new websites, we'll be able to jump from chain to chain. Our aim is to turn Genecoin into a Decentralized Autonomous Organization that preserves your genetic material indefinitely. If other blockchains replace Bitcoin, our crawlers will make sure your genome propagates to the new chains. Can my genome itself be traded as currency?
I want my DNA to be the next Dogecoin!