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We humans being have been able to control the universe for millions of years for our superior imagination, intelligence and creativity to make our wildest dreams come true. In my opinion, the fundamental aspect is to draw out a comprehensive plan beforehand. An effective plan ought to involve all the following aspects: Thus, all the projects can as effective as possible without wasting money and workforce. It should only be economic and political centre, while residential and manufacturing areas be moved to the outskirts of cities.

Cities should be the heart of countries, where the head quarter of corporation, big companies, congress, embassies, etc took place. Residential areas should be placed kilometres away from big cities, where natural conditions are more healthful to reside. Those areas should be developed into relaxing resorts for people to regain their health and enthusiasm after constant exhausting working hours. And, manufacturing areas should be built some distance from both cities and residential areas, in regions where natural resources, workforce and other conditions are available.

The advantages of this change are that: To go into details, firstly, we should modernize the facilities for better working and living conditions. In cities and residential areas, the facilities should be modern and adequate in regard of its importance. We should upgrade and extend traffic, digits and tunnels, and communication system to match with the demand of them. In factories, we should use advanced technology and modernized machine for greater efficiency. However, this does not mean that every city should be developed the same way.

Each city should follow an appropriate development plan according to its climate, position, resources, historical and cultural patterns. For example, an ancient city with many historical sights such as Hue should not get rid of its construction for modern designs. Therefore, living standard and the economy may be improved. New technology to turning exhaust fumes, raw sewage, and other pollutants into eco-friendly substance should be developed and widely used.

And, alternative energy, especially solar energy and wind power should totally replace fossil fuels in the near future. Once we can take more advantage from solar energy by an enormous and worldwide system, not only can it provide enough energy for domestical and industrial use, but it can also reduce the effects of global warming.

Thirdly, we should concentrate on public care: Schooling programme should be more practical, more genuine to suit everybody of different backgrounds, abilities and passion. Job-teaching centers should be expanded to train ignorant youngsters into skillful workers. Educating youngsters about worldwide problems and preserving cultural patterns are also important.

Once the youth have knowledge, skills and pride on their traditional values, they will become more successful and more responsible for the country and the environment they are living in. In conclusion, to make cities better places, we should organize a comprehensive plan, modernize the facilities, protect the environment and pay more attention to public benefits. To make this happen, we need superior ideas, public attention, abundant investment and social unity. And I believe this is exactly what leaders do: Every time I meander around this city, I hear people bemoaning the acrid fumes pumped out from the careless flow vehicles, or a beggar sighing hopelessly after being turned down a penny.

All these dire situations make me think of urban life as a struggle with countless problems. As a city dweller, I fervently wish to share my opinions on developing cities into an ideal place, in which people can live a satisfying and peaceful life. Cities may look bustling and vibrant as economic and cultural hubs from the outside. Yet, behind that superficial prosprerity, the citizens are not necessarily enjoying a happy and fulfilling way of life due to such thorny issues as pollution, unemployment and crime, among others.

In my opinion, in order to make cities better places to live, we have to find way to promote the material and spiritual welfare of city dwellers. Economically, cities are beset with enormous issues which are craving to be dealt with. There is a lot to love from a city, which is problem: The mass exodus into metropolitan areas have created tremendous burden on housing.

The dilapidated tenements haphazardly built, or, more notoriously, overcrowded slums are the evils of cities, resulting in escalating crime rate and deteriorating environment. To conquer this, cities are in dire need of a more capable government, which can effectively control the waves of migration and cater decent and affordable public housing to the poor.

Another recurring problem which is of no less importance is employment. Cities can help the out-of-work by providing them with unemployment benefits or craeting public sector jobs to keep them temporarily occupied, which are both short-term solutions and cannot thoroughly resolve the issue.

Instead, cities should tread a time-consuming but more effective path to educate peoplethus craeting a more skillful and experienced workforce. Simultaneously, improving infrastructure is of utmost importance if a city is to be developed into a suitable place to live. Better transportation system, effective energy provision and sewage system will all considerably benefit thewell-being of citizens. Myself an urbanite, I personally think that to some extent, city lfe is becoming stressfull, partly because the ever-increasing load of work and partly because there are not enough places to help citizens enjoy themselves and live in harmony with nature.

Whereas in poorer cities, people continue to live in stuffy box-like environment, many cities in developed nations have tackled this reality by creating parks, green spaces and recreational centers.

Besides the aesthetic and ecological values brought about by open spaces, they also serve as a relief of strains and a marvelous opportunity for exercise, thus yielding obvious health benefits. Additionally, worries about safety health and study are major hindrances to the well-being of citizens.

Consequently, measures should be taken to promote better healthcare and education, improve police force and advocate for coorperative and friendly communities. Last but not least, the vice of inequality and prejudice poses a serious threat to cities, where people have to carry the burden of racial, ethnic and sexual discriminaton. Indeed, there is no such thing as a perfect city. Still, let us not lose hope, lat us build a better home for three billion city dwellers, let us turn on a glorious page of the book of human evolution.

Having spent fifteen years in a peaceful countryside, I used to think of a city as an interesting and dynamic place. In books I have read, a town must be replete with modern skyscrapers, shopping centres and smiling citizens going to work. Nevertheless, only when I myself reside there can I perceive the fact that outwardly, city seems similar to a luxuriant tree where there are many dangerous worms spoiling it in silence. That is to say, it takes greater effort to make city an ideal area by addressing the issues of traffic, environment and society.

Firstly, in a metropolis, traffic is of considerable importance since it affects not only on human life but on economic growth as well.

Secondly, a pure environment is also an indispensable feature of an ideal place to live. In fact, consuming a large amount of energy as well as materials, urban areas fail to relax and as a result, there is obviously a substantial increase in the number of city dweller developing respiratory and cardiovascular problems.

Thirdly, it is necessary to take social problems into consideration, especially the social classification. Cities in some nations have experienced great disparity between the rich and the poor which leads to serious crimes and other social evils.

An illustration of this is my Ho Chi Minh city, where there are wealthy men enjoying themselves in villas, meanwhile, others are struggling to keep their head above wate.

Even worse, those people including the elderly and children have to live rough under the bridge and become beggars pleading for money to make ends meet. As we all know, the authorities along with experts have already put forward many solutions to the above-mentioned issues.

Those suggestions, however, do not really works in some countries due to a lack of civic responsibility, as the old saying goes: In years to come, cities in all parts of the world will see more changes. Each individual has their choice of where to lead a content life: Indeed, the globalization and increasing city-to-city networks suggest that while determining key issues of future cities, it is important to consider global concerns: However, to gradually deal with these matters at city-level, tomorrow leaders will have to highlight specific goals, suitable for social movements.

William Shakespeare once said: In fact, providing a good healthcare system is always a serious question of all times. Without optimal health status, how can future citizens increase the working efficiency and enjoy recreational activities as well as other services available? This very basic issue is undoubtedly the key condition for the long-term development of the economy and the improvement in the quality of life. Nowadays, the stress and overwork suggest that the ideal Health Service System will have to solve both physical and mental diseases.

Furthermore, the cultural diversity will require attention. Under the impact of globalization, future cities will welcome people from different origins. Thus, the big question is how to decrease cultural differences among group members, while still avoiding cultural blending.

It is obvious that overcoming mentioned problems will not only ensure the peace and harmony of cities but also consolidate a collective value system of an emerging community. Furthermore, this will also make it easier for us to work in a cohesive manner to overcome common challenges and enrich existing traditional values. If we cannot do so, all cities will end up in consistent conflicts and tragic wars.

Finally, it goes without saying that economic development is always what motivates any society. However, plentiful people still think that the purpose of business is nothing other than profit. The benefits are obvious! First, modern technologies can help tackle environmental problems and poverty. Second, new businesses, new markets, and new customers created among poor people will have to do with their hard living-conditions and the appearance of cities.

Summoning these resources will mean leading business to combine profit and social missions. Failing to do so, companies may have to operate in a city where almost every one is too poor to afford their products. The balance is therefore, never gained in a society unless we consider helping businessmen understand their duties to the community the key requirement. The matters mentioned, including health service, cultural diversity and business sense are essential basis of life.

Nonetheless, in this fast-changing world, the path towards reaching these goals can be extremely rocky without essential values, including education, mass media and young generation.

Nowadays, people are extremely stressed and tensed because of many reasons: Firstly, we will plan the city in form of multiple separated satellite cities. Working office will stay in the center city and everyone can commute to works.

Also, factories are placed outside and far from these areas to sustain a healthy environment in the living areas. The purpose of this is people having fun experience as in the parks everyday.

We will make it more enjoyable by designing roller-coaster which will go through some artificial lakes, rivers, valleys therefore they can feel relaxed and comfortable.

For some young people who like adventurous experience, we will construct some winding road. In each roller-coasters, we will divide it into five main cabins:

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