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This charge has been proven with Africans being used as "guinea pigs" for various new vaccines in programs funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Clinton Global Initiative, Pfizer Corporation, and other entities linked to CIA biological and genetic warfare operations. If so, it would have been the first time Communists and Christian evangelicals broke bread together. Marines Beirut, Lebanon in Fake news story triggers armed confrontation

Also has a longstanding partnership with Hearst Corporation, which owns additional TV stations, newspapers, magazines, and stakes in several Disney television ventures. International Business Times "But one politician recently made an impression: Clinton was perceived as being pro-war, anti-Russia, bankster friendly, Jewish controlled stooge.

Sandy Hook fake massacre. The Real Source of Fake News. If you investigate closely, see link between Microsoft, Bill Gates, and Christian right, in Seattle, Washington CNN The campaign managers for both major presidential nominees decried Thursday the role fake news played in the election, though Donald Trump's manager Kellyanne Conway used her criticism to include pundits who doubted the Republican nominee's chances.

These disclosures, along with the Snowden disclosures that illustrate how America spies on friend and foe, have stripped the veneer off of America's propaganda menagerie. Thehandgun bullets were destined for the Sudanese national police and were to be delivered through the port of Beirut, Lebanon and the shotguns were "hunting rifles" destined for Lebanese customers. FEMA fake news conference just the tip of an iceberg, Notes: It is being reported that both Jeb Bush's campaign and that of Hillary Clinton contracted with Orbis to dig up dirt on Trump during the presidential campaign. The weapon was never used by the Libyan Army, which relied on Soviet weaponry.

However, the most prominent purveyors of fake news stories are the very corporate media entities that decry "fake news. Google restricts results to 10 pages items. Consider NWO divided into two camps at the top who can be differentiated by how centric Israel is to their cause. Perhaps it was her involvement in a major CIA weapons smuggling operation that saw U. Although the authenticity of the dossier could not be verified, Buzzfeed decided to publish it anyway as "news" in a shocking display of unprofessional journalism.