Shitshow to success bitcoin golds launch has bot anything but slick

Craig Wright aka Faketoshi is probably the biggest villian. The coin itself, at the protocol-level is not a scam. Despite the fact that all of us here want to buy low and sell high, the genesis of bitcoin was to protest the insane betting Wall Street took with our money.

To provide a healthy alternate to humanity. Then you see dicks like roger or Craig running around like a soprano citing they have more money than Uganda…. Everything in the playbook has been checked to pump up bitcoin cash — and that is alarming — it is not a trustworthy enterprise.

People are free to fork. Send a few bucks back and forth. See which one you like using better. IMO the current, absurd course of BTC of never hard forking, letting fees skyrocket and betting everything on the unproven, not ready lightning network was only possible with the help of censorship. The coin is fine, the communities on both sides can be very defensive and toxic. It has never been a pleasure dealing with anyone about this, the hostility can be quite deflating.

Spreading information on twitter and bitcoin. It seems that they constantly stir up trouble — this could be a marketing strategy.. Not exactly Mensa over here. Also, what would such feelings be based on? Would they be biased? Would that bias have to do with the people surrounding the birth of this baby? It used to be Blockstream.

There is no true innovation without investment, you have to come to terms with that. And investment would like to see a return. Try to grasp that for a second. So far I like what I see. This is not to say my view may not change.

I stay away from it because it is extremely misleading. You can always wait of course. Just know that the big money is never made after the rocket has taken off.

It is made before. I guarantee you will be sold on the concept. What is your motive? Made a lot of money on those and I will ride this rocket now, too. OP isn't shitting this coin is pretty solid once you get a grasp on it, information is fucking disorganized though, check out the video below for things to actually be explained. ONly thing making me considering buying it is that the Master of Autismo aka Dmitriy Buterin, father of the autistic paradigm officially endorses Swarm City.

Also as I said I am all in so I have an interest in getting the word out. I have no more fiat to invest so there's no point anymore in keeping it quiet. That should tell you something.

It means I'm serious about this. That should tell you this thing has actual potential to go mainstream. Also contrary to what some anon said here previously, I don't think their marketing is shit. Also their spokesperson Mathew Carano is a master communicator. They brand forked from Arcade City to Swarm City and broadened their mission from just making a ridesharing app to include all types of businesses.

There are a total of 9. But what's the point of investing if everything is perfect? In 99 of cases the price will already reflect that and you will be overpaying. What makes the value so great here is that Swarm City is actually a super solid concept once you get your head wrapped around it, right now you just have to do some serious digging to understand it.

But this will change. Once they have their new website and Boardwalk ready by 15th June the hard to understand aspect will disappear and the super solid concept will be all that is left. Suddenly everybody is going to realize that this is an actual gem in crypto, and that is when the FOMO will start.

So the point is that you are not investing in what it is now, but in what it will be in two weeks. And it will be great. After that everyone is going to be able to set up their own hashtag. You will be able to choose yourself if you want the hashtag to be location based or not. For certain applications that makes sense, for others it doesn't.

The website is changing in days and who cares about the whitepaper.. The project is far from meh. Watch the video that is linked in this thread. From a trusted exchange.

I could've just read the thread, saw it earlier. Been in SWT for a while, and never saw this point mentioned. I'm holding for that day, which I believe will come. So how far up can it really go? I guess it doesn't have to go up 10x though, even just riding the hype is feasible, but still it's a risky game to play.

Are you sure you're not shilling? Visit the slack and ask the team to confirm if you don't want to trust me. Remember the Swarm City platform will be the first thing in crypto that actually has unique and compelling use cases besides giving the DNMs a payment system and setting up ICOs. Was reading about this yesterday and was planning to buy. Just bought some now. It's actually mind boggling to think what this could become.

Do you know what that signals? Belief and confidence in the team and the concept. Imagine what will happen if the broader crypto market gets wind of what Swarm City represents.

They will see what I am seeing now. I am seeing it earlier because right now it requires work to understand the value. But this is only temporary. Once the new website is released and their product comes out, boom, the value is unlocked because suddenly it is recognizeable. These things move very fast too.

Not many people here knew about it. Now pretty much every knows what Sia is about. Once the price started to rise people actually took the effort to take a closer look. It turns out that all the while Sia was just a gem hidden in plain sight, just like Swarm City is now.

Unlike in Sia's case though, here we have two clear catalysts which will unlock the value and wake the broader crypto scene up. The problem right now is that they haven't heard about it or that they don't know what it's about. After the new website and the platform are released, I will guarantee you that they will be sold on it.

Doesn't really matter if anyone thinks it's shilling. Just listen to the arguments and decide for yourself if you think it's worth something. I never liked the Arcade City name. That was something Chris actually paid someone to come up with.

When Chris left, the team decided on a new brand, Swarm City. I still consider it a kinda weird name, but since I know the history behind it, I'm able to see what others do not see because they look at the name and think it sounds weird.

That means I'm going to be rich. I only dug deeper once I saw it move up the ranks in coinmarketcap. But he also thinks he's found literal gold, and the only way for that gold to be recognized is for others to see it as well.

I own golem and will hold till it hits 80 cents at least, and I will look into this. It would be dumb not to put part of your stack in this coin if it is actually good and you think this bull market continues which it will. I'm already on the phone with the Lamborghini dealership as we speak. They have me on hold, I'm inquiring about what they'll have available in a few months.

Being rich is going to be so nice. You see the value before the market does and you either wait for the market to recognize it or you publicly publish your thesis and hope that it will accelerate price discovery.

There's nothing wrong with this. I just want people here to understand, not everyone shilling is trying to get you to buy for his 30 minute long pump. Everyone shilling it only had good intentions. I think a lot of people are gonna get burned on DGB and turn people off from anything being shilled, which is a damn shame.

Not trying to start anything im just genuinely curious. To be honest, what continues to suprise me is how well many cryptos keep their value once they have been pumped. Even though there are many scams here, I believe biz was the first one to shill ethereum, then pivx, waves, sia, reddcoin, then digibyte. I took note and now I'm applying my wisdom by buying an undiscovered gem before it goes mainstream. How much does it cost to create a tag? Is is first-come first-serve?

Is there a market-place for tags? Seems like there's going to be a run on good, short, tags like the domain name run. I'm not going to do it because I don't want to reveal my anonimity. Pretty sure that what you're asking hasn't been decided yet. On June 15th the hashtags will be limited to Pioneer. I imagine that there will be a run on hashtags after that, probably on a first come, first served basis.

But because I'm not entirely sure I implore you to ask the devs yourself. Let's me know how early I am to invest. Same exact criticism was given to Bitcoin, and back then I believed the doubters way too much. Turns out, they don't know shit, they're just intellectually lazy faggots who suck at life! But it's kinda sensitive right now because there is a lot of economic value attached to this so they don't want to disclose the details yet because they don't want to change people's behaviour.

If you don't trust my answer, ask the devs yourself. I'm onboard with SWT all the way. I've been in the slack since the beginning and seen that they are a team that thinks thinks through very carefully.

This is definitely not some fly by night shitcoin. Remember how I said that you gain reputation in Swarm City by successfully completing transactions? People will be able to vote with their reputations which hashtags show up in the official swarm. I'm sure there are lots of brilliant brains working on solutions right now. That's pretty much why Dmitry Buterin is an advisor, imo.

Finally a good shilling thread with actual explanation of the fundamentals. I filled my bags. Be patient now though. I guarantee that if you hold this coin for more days you will remember me and this thread.

You guys are lucky I only have so much fiat and having nothing to lose by disclosing this golden opportunity. If you buy this coin you're fucking retarded and deserve to lose money. Anyone shilling THIS hard is a liar. Don't give a shit that it comes off as shilling. If you think this is a scam, I'm all ears and willing to hear your arguments.

Actually I would be very grateful because you'd obviously save me a lot of money if you told me something I didn't know yet. But I suspect you don't have any evidence because I did pretty extensive due diligence. It's actually genius in how simple but how necessary it is to everyday life. It's basically something like Craigslist except with escrow so you're less likely to get fucked.

Plus users define all the tags themselves AND it's still a cryptocurrency, so there's endless flexibility in the shady business you can conduct. I plan on HODLing this for a long time. For once it's a coin I actually believe in the application it has. Besides who cares, we are trying to make money here.

They are all successful platforms. The guy who wrote that diversity article is like that guy who is constantly brainstorming and comming up with awkward connections, every project has a dude like that. The two programmers actually seem like they are bros. As I said they will release a new website soon. This is going to be a real catalyst. Remember one of the reasons the site is a bit shitty is because it runs a decentralized app entirely on the client side similar to MyEtherWallet.

That's not some easy javascript stuff. OP, It seems very interesting by the way you described, however, I have to say that their web page lacks clear information about what they are trying to do. By reading, it doesn't look that different from the hundreds of other alts out there. I'm saying this is a bad thing because people who stumble across this coin will not know what you are telling us, they will dismiss It as just a copy pasted shitcoin.

They need to do a better jon at explaining what the project is about. Not to mention the page is slow. Anyone who does their proper research will know that a new website is coming, and everything is on the up and up. That's how investing early works. Potential to go high if it takes off, the token is also a key part of it too.

Normies LOVE hashtags, reputation, connecting eachother, trusted transactions in escrow, all that shit they can piss around with on their phones.

If they can get it into the app store and advertise to the right people, it could become really popular. Not a tech value investment but rather the idea to create the next craigslist with a crypto - like silkroad but marketed at normies? Not saying it cant work just curious what the sell is since the website wasn't very helpful. But just how viable are we talkin here? What have they said in reference to the biggest problem facing normies and crypto today?

No normie will use this. Also, OP has like posts out of the in here, so fuck this shit.