Potential uses for blockchain bitcoins

Below are 10 potential uses for blockchains that I can think of. Programmers are currently working on decentralised internet platforms to distribute all the functions of the internet over distributed nodes which will increase the resiliency of the world wide web.

Smart contracts can be built on top of a ledger and operate as decentralised applications. These programs can run functions which are becoming more sophisticated and may diminish the need for standard legal contracts. Decentralised markets allow trading without having to trust a third party. Distributed cloud storage avoids the need to place faith in large centralised companies where personal data is vulnerable and pricing may escalate to cover the expanding number of data servers.

Social networking sites are centralised and are prone to censorship of information. Decentralised social media platforms such as Steemit mitigate this and financially reward the content creators. Peer to peer messaging can leverage blockchain potential uses for blockchain bitcoins to encrypt messages and store data bits efficiently potential uses for blockchain bitcoins many different computers where they can only be accessed with a private key.

Items that are purchased could be tracked on the blockchain to demonstrate proof of ownership and to prevent the sale of stolen goods which may eventually help to reduce crime. While digital voting can be susceptible to tampering, blockchain voting technology is verifiable and would allow anybody to audit the blockchain to confirm votes are time stamped and legitimate.

In traditional stockmarket there is typically a delay of days for settlement of stocks and bonds. Trading stocks on a blockchain is more cost effective and provides instant settlement. Property titles, transactions and historic value can be built onto the blockchain providing transparency and reducing the time and cost associated with real estate transactions. For more information about this award, click here.

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Decentralised Internet Programmers are currently working on decentralised internet platforms to distribute all the functions of the internet over distributed potential uses for blockchain bitcoins which will increase the resiliency of the world wide web.

Smart Contracts Smart contracts can be built on top of a ledger and operate as decentralised applications. Distributed Cloud Storage Distributed cloud storage avoids the need to place faith in large centralised companies where personal data is vulnerable and pricing may escalate to cover the expanding number of data servers.

Decentralised Social Networking Sites Social networking sites are centralised and are prone to censorship of information. Encrypted Messaging Peer to peer messaging can leverage blockchain technology to encrypt messages and store data bits efficiently on many different computers where they can only be accessed with a private key.

Proof of Ownership Items that are purchased could be tracked on the blockchain to demonstrate proof of ownership and to prevent the sale of stolen goods which may eventually help to reduce crime.

Authenticated Voting While digital voting can be susceptible to tampering, blockchain voting technology is verifiable and would allow anybody to audit the blockchain to confirm votes are time stamped potential uses for blockchain bitcoins legitimate. Trading of Stocks In traditional stockmarket there is typically a delay of days for settlement of stocks and bonds. Real Estate Transactions Property titles, transactions and historic value can be built onto the blockchain providing transparency and reducing the time and cost associated with real estate transactions.

What do you think? Please share your ideas below about how blockchains will change our world. Potential uses for blockchain bitcoins get paid when people like you upvote their post.

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