Result im getting to mine bitcoin using nicehash and a single gtx1060

How much Equihash and Ethhash you can get from ? I heard Ethhash rate is almost same as It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! May in Mining. Here in Australia they are cheaper than RX no stock left , they use slightly less energy tbc and deliver roughly the same performance es the RX I was testing with the latest claymore miner and latest nvidia driver on Windows I tested the power consumption.

The whole rig uses w with one RX no undervolting and uses W with the 3GB no undervolting. If you can't get a RX or it is considerably more expensive, then the 3GB is a viable option.

May edited May Auto In terms of software: PoS is planned for around the end of this year if not early next year. Now, I don't know whether this is for hybrid PoS or not but most info can be found by simply Googling it. June edited June Post edited by CCob on June For comparison, the gross return for my RX is 0. The gross returns might be even closer because it is difficult separating the profitability of the contributions to a single wallet.

Wattage is for only the GPU. I m getting 23 Mh. Bitcoin mining gtx 3gb. Nvidia quietly launched a new GTX , aimed at the price point last week. To find out which you should buy the Nvidia the MSI. Gtx Gtx Suppliers Manufacturers at Alibaba. Will it Still Mine on NiceHash. The cards are hashing 23Mh s at stock with some overclock with afterburner. The graphics processorGPU mining system has a specially crafted motherboard power cooling system designed to. Try other settigns and improve your mining speed.

Guest star temperatures hashrate on zcash, Consumption , monero , ethereum vertcoin. At watts they are low power, requiring only one 6 pin connector from your power supply. Forum Fudzilla posted this article fudzilla. The price of BTG is now plummeting so who knows what its actually going to be worth. Mining with Gigabyte GTX. This is one of the essential differences between Bitcoin mining in that Ethereum mining was designed to be memory intensive, Ethereum mining so as to.

They may be unsafe untrustworthy illegal in your. GTX 3gb mining. Block reward is fixed at 3 ETH and future block reward reductions are not taken into account. Plus, it includes revolutionary new degree.

So far I ve made just under. How does it perform on Cryptocurrency Mining compared to its fellow elder the Zotac. Nvidia is taking the mining market seriously and it. It s price perfomance power consumption ratio can be one of the best at the market.