Using bitcoin foggers

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This page was last edited on 28 February , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. This website-related article is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. DO NOT use blockchain. Turn off JavaScript before doing this step if you are using Helix, Bitcoin Blender, or other mixers that function without it. If you are using Helix, save the URL it sends you to after you enter your address s.

Make a backup of these, or your login details for the other mixers. Send the coins from wallet 2, over Tor, to the address generated for you by the mixer. Never use any market that requires you to enable JS! You can use Blockchain. Once they have, restart Tor and then send the coins to your market address or their eventually destination!

You should also create a wallet you control in between any coins you may ever withdrawal from a market and a mixer. This is far more important than the reverse, in case the market takes a long time to put your deposit through which happens, trust me. Mixers only keep track of the addresses it generates for you for a set amount of time, usually between 6 and 24 hours.

They purge records every X hours for privacy. Search this page for your address s from wallet 2. The only weakness remaining is the fact that the mixing company has records of your transactions, and although they all claim to delete them shortly after the transaction is complete, it is possible they could have a trail of where your coins went.

You can negate this risk by repeating the process with a second mixing service. I probably made this sound more complicated than it actually is. You can use Blockchain. Once they have, restart Tor and then send the coins to your market address or their eventually destination! You should also create a wallet you control in between any coins you may ever withdrawal from a market and a mixer. This is far more important than the reverse, in case the market takes a long time to put your deposit through which happens, trust me.

Mixers only keep track of the addresses it generates for you for a set amount of time, usually between 6 and 24 hours. They purge records every X hours for privacy.

Search this page for your address s from wallet 2. The only weakness remaining is the fact that the mixing company has records of your transactions, and although they all claim to delete them shortly after the transaction is complete, it is possible they could have a trail of where your coins went. You can negate this risk by repeating the process with a second mixing service.

I probably made this sound more complicated than it actually is. In total it should only take about minutes, and it is something worth doing if you value your privacy and want to make sure you never lose any coins! As with anything, you should do your research before using Bitcoin tumbling services and use the ones with the best reviews and highest levels of trust. The tumblers we list as trusted have been around for some time and have had no verifiable complaints against them.

The other services listed are either newer, have been hacked, or have had numerous complaints against them. We do not link to mixers that are scams, or that do not function as advertised. Short link to this page: